Don't know about INdiana, but I DO know about Washington STate. Just finished up a degree at the local state college..... carry on campus is banned to all except the cops.. who, as far as I know are real cops. I was there for four months before I learned it is forbideen on the campus. Funny thing, a public highway bisects the campus property and I wonder how many carry whilst driving on that highway. Anyway, it is hidden deep inside the student code of conduct. The first thing they do is expell you immediately if you're a student.It can't be a criminal offense, as state law preempts all local law, and the college, being an arm of the state, IS a subordinate government. NO SIGNAGE as required by state law for ALL areas outlawying firearms. It isn't even posted in the campus regulations.. ONLY in the :code of conduct". Once expelled, you do have right of appeal, but from the very liberal tenor of the admistration there, it wou;dn't go anywhere. Further, state law rquires any property owner banning firearms to provide a safe and secire means of storing, and returning when leaving, the arm.... not available here. State law provides that the owner of PRIVATE property (not state campuses, as they are state owned) may deny possession to all who enter.... and if discovered they can demand the "offender" remove the firearm..... either with or without the owner. (so you can stash it somewhere and come back without it, fine, they can't keep you out then). Failing or refusing to leave when demanded to do so, the carrier is then subject to a criminal charge of trespass. I do not believe their rules provide for the seizure of the weapon, only the immediate expulsion from school, and leaving the campus with the 'offending" hardware immediately. Can't come back on campus until cleared by "the authorities".
I am convinced this whole nonsense needs to be overturned. There is NO REASON why a permitted gun owner must commute unarmed to school when he can carry nearly everywhere else in the state. and we HAVE had some significantly violent attacks on the campus during the time I've been there. If I had to be on campus at night I'd have carried anyway. Hah, before I learned it was verboten, I carried daily for four months. Even standing in the lobby of the cop shop taking care of parking permit busines, foot cops in and out, standing and walking right next to me. No one ever got a clue.