A bus driver told a young man to turn his music down. The young man started forward swearing at the driver. The driver stopped the bus, got off and called police on his cell phone. The guy got off and approached the driver who told him he wanted no more trouble. The young guy punched the driver in the shoulder and the driver pushed him backwards. Then the young guy started hitting the driver more. Now at this point would I have the right to pull my weapon and tell the perp to stop? And if he came at me would I be right in pulling the trigger? He had no knife of gun in his hand, but could have done some damage.
I was not on this bus, just wonder what I may have done if I was? :triniti:
Police did show up and arrest the man.
I was not on this bus, just wonder what I may have done if I was? :triniti:
Police did show up and arrest the man.