Titles are un-American.
I just got the following email from my employer (I'm also a student sometimes). I'm leaving the institution name in, because it's public information that UNF is located in Jacksonville. Setting aside their ineffective GFZ policy for a minute, what tactical advantage would a campus-wide comm system give?
Say an active shooter were on campus, tearing up a building...if a text message or automated audio message went out to "Lock your doors, seek cover and do not go near building 2; if you are away from campus, stay away until further notice" - would that really accomplish its intended end? I'm inclined to think that people would stupidly try to go see what's going on. After all, we're a species of rubberneckers.
Then again, people might do the smart thing and lock down...after watching the news, people should know what's going on. The cops there make me feel less than secure, though...I've never heard of them doing a real-life drill in shooter response when the parking lots were full of cars and buildings were full of students and staff. Most of them look like they're probably better at chasing jelly donuts than criminals.
Say an active shooter were on campus, tearing up a building...if a text message or automated audio message went out to "Lock your doors, seek cover and do not go near building 2; if you are away from campus, stay away until further notice" - would that really accomplish its intended end? I'm inclined to think that people would stupidly try to go see what's going on. After all, we're a species of rubberneckers.
Then again, people might do the smart thing and lock down...after watching the news, people should know what's going on. The cops there make me feel less than secure, though...I've never heard of them doing a real-life drill in shooter response when the parking lots were full of cars and buildings were full of students and staff. Most of them look like they're probably better at chasing jelly donuts than criminals.
It has come to the attention of the Crisis Management Team that you have not yet supplied a phone number for the University to contact you in the event of an emergency. Every employee needs to register a phone number for the new Code Red Campus Alert System that will be activated summer semester. This will be the primary system UNF will use to communicate with the campus community during emergencies. In the wake of tragedies that have occurred on other campuses, we take seriously the need to improve our communication systems and Code Red is a major step that direction.
Once you get online (see the directions below), you will be asked to register a phone number. Because we will upload office phone numbers from our current data base, please supply either your cell phone or your home number as your point of contact. If you are a routine cell user, I would recommend using that number.
The directions for completing this registration appear below.
Thank you for taking the time to do this today.