California Considers Statewide Lead-bullet Ban


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Statewide Ban on Lead Ammunition Could Be Around The Corner!

Please Contact the Fish and Game Commission Today!

The California Fish and Game Commission is considering a statewide ban on the use of lead ammunition for hunting. Two years ago, a bill was signed into law that imposed a ban on the use of lead ammunition for hunting in areas occupied by the California condor. Through its hunting regulations, the Commission extended the ban to include .22 rimfire ammunition and expanded the boundaries where the ban applies. With this track record, the Commission is likely to be receptive to carrying the ban to the borders of the state.

From the beginning, proponents of the current ban have wanted to ban lead ammunition statewide. The California condor was simply being used by the anti-hunters and anti-gunners to carry out this agenda. They have already achieved a partial ban. The next step is to take it statewide. If they are successful, they will push to ban the use of lead ammunition for everyone, not just hunters.

There is no scientific evidence that lead ammunition is the source of lead affecting the health of condors released to the wild. There is no scientific evidence that lead ammunition is a risk to human health and the environment in California. What is evident is that there is a group of special interests that have friends on the Commission who will not stop until the most affordable, available, and ballistically superior ammunition is banned in your state. They know the damage that such a ban will do to both hunting and shooting participation.

Please contact the members of the Fish and Game Commission TODAY and respectfully request that they oppose all efforts to extend the ban on lead ammunition. The Commission can be contacted by phone at (916) 653-4899, by fax at (916) 653-5040, or email [email protected].

Source: California Rifle & Pistol Association: CRPA

Gun News Daily Comments: The California Fish and Game Commission should not be confused with the California Department of Fish and Game. The commission is a separate entity of political appointees seated to develop fish and game regulations. Please DO NOT contact the Department of Fish & Game, they are not the problem, but the commission is.

In addition to contacting the commission, Gun News Daily STRONGLY recommends contacting your state senator using this politician locator, as well as Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The governor appoints Fish & Game Commissioners and they are confirmed by the state senate. Both your state senator and the governor need to hear your comments. They can and will, if they are inundated with complaints opposing the commission's proposal, pressure the commission to reconsider their position. They also have the authority to remove members of the commission.

Please contact the commission, your state senator and Governor Schwarzenegger.

Source: Link Removed

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