Busted Buster Sign


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Send me an email if you'd like the orginal to print or forward (8.5x11 @ 300 dpi, less than 1Mb). It's absolutley FREE! [email protected]


FWIW... the last line is not a slam against law enforcememnt. They do a great job, considering logistics.
I love it. Fortunately, there aren't many places around here that are posted for no carry. The exception is every place that serves alcohol is prohibited by state law. It's not the establishments fault so I don't think sending them a sign will help anything. I may change my mind on this though. Thanks for the offer. I may get with you later.
I wonder how "feasable" it would be to have these made in a 5x7 (almost palm size) bumpersticker style where with one hand you could place it just under or near their NO WEAPONS ALLOWED sign? Would that be construed as vandalism? Your'e not really distroying property and unlike "Tagging" your'e not defacing...input??
I'm working on getting some business cards right now. A bit of double-stick tape on the back of the card and they will sit nicely on the back of a restroom stall door ;) Folks can always use something to read when taking care of business.

The cards are not going to be specific to posted locations. Use them everywhere!:D
This is a good idea. From a designer's perspective though, I think the poster is a little "busy", as in there are too many words. The message should be very clear and brief. Also, references to murderers and rapists are good, but references to druggies and thieves will confuse the issue. After all, we don't draw on a person for bare theft, or for being on drugs.

To convince, it's ultra-important not to overstate the issue. Otherwise we simply cement the opinions of the opposition. With a few revisions, I think it would have pretty good value, especially placed on the entrances to university buildings.

Mind if I make a few changes and post a revised version?
This is a good idea. From a designer's perspective though, I think the poster is a little "busy", as in there are too many words. The message should be very clear and brief. Also, references to murderers and rapists are good, but references to druggies and thieves will confuse the issue. After all, we don't draw on a person for bare theft, or for being on drugs.

To convince, it's ultra-important not to overstate the issue. Otherwise we simply cement the opinions of the opposition. With a few revisions, I think it would have pretty good value, especially placed on the entrances to university buildings.

Mind if I make a few changes and post a revised version?

Very good points. Please feel free to make changes. I submitted it to the public for public use ;)
email sent. thanks. i printed out a generic b&w at work yesterday and taped it to my locker. it now sits next to bucky cat, and his "hot cup-o-monkey" mug picture.

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