Bush Commutes Ex-Border Pratroll Agents Sentences

Says they will be out in 2 months. Not a pardon which is huge. Basically, they are still guilty of the crime, they are now just considered to have completed their sentence.
It's my opinion that it's never a good idea to "plead-out" or "cop-a-plea" so to speak. If you are not guilty then don't plead guilty. As well, don't plead nolo contendre, or no contest. It might come back to haunt you as it has for these two fellows. Who knows for sure, but they might have been given a pardon if they had plead not guilty. IDK, but are pardons ever given to those who plead guilty?
This is the same thing as "guilty but served your time." Not that they'll argue with getting out of jail, but they are now convicted felons and out of work. I supported Bush on a lot of things, but I think he pissed out on this one. When you look at the people granted pardons, most of them did far more serious things that Ramos and Compean.

I think they should now turn around and sue the government, and I'm sure htere are a lot of lawyers out there who would love to represent them. Hey, GOA, let's get started. How about a fund drive?
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There is an appeal for these guys that I believe has reached the Supreme Court. Many of the Charges have been thrown out by lower courts. If there is any justice left in the country, they will be exonerated.
Bush commutes

This is unacceptable!! Nothing less that a total pardon,reinstatement on the Patrol, with back pay and an apology from the government is acceptable. Two honest law enforcement officers are sent to prison for doing the jb they were paid to do while the drug-smuggling piece of excrement was allowed to run back and forth across the border at will, is nothing short if total idiocy. If this were a correct worl, the officers would have received medals, and the drug smuggling scum would have faced the same as the guy that the sheriff's SWAT team shot 68 times, because, as the sheriff explained, "We ran out of ammo."
This is unacceptable!! Nothing less that a total pardon,reinstatement on the Patrol, with back pay and an apology from the government is acceptable. Two honest law enforcement officers are sent to prison for doing the jb they were paid to do while the drug-smuggling piece of excrement was allowed to run back and forth across the border at will, is nothing short if total idiocy. If this were a correct worl, the officers would have received medals, and the drug smuggling scum would have faced the same as the guy that the sheriff's SWAT team shot 68 times, because, as the sheriff explained, "We ran out of ammo."

+1... still a ctock. they should not have a mark left on their record.

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