Bulletproof Vests on eBay


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Is this for real?

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They seem to be shipping out of Isreal. There are a number of listings all around $300. There is one US based listing shipping from WA state. I ran across this looking for a scope mount. I thought a good vest cost a couple grand.
Is this for real?

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They seem to be shipping out of Isreal. There are a number of listings all around $300. There is one US based listing shipping from WA state. I ran across this looking for a scope mount. I thought a good vest cost a couple grand.

I'd love to see a "bullet proof" vest for ANY price. I know that you can get a good "bullet resistant" vest for around $300 shipped new. Highly doubt that there is such a thing as a "bullet proof" vest.

PM me if you want ordering info.

Level III-A protection. Resistant up to 9mm FMJ and .44 Magnum SWC, according to their specs.
Of course I meant bullet resistant. Even a armored personnel carrier is not bullet proof given the proper bullet. Who sells them for $300 shipped? Is Level III-A good? Obviously won't stop a high powered rifle round, but would this level of protection be considered OK for average street use?
Level III-A is resistant up to most pistol rounds and some rifle rounds. It's also heavy and warm.
Level III is resistant up to 7.62 NATO. It is heavier and warmer.
Is there a level III-A option that is light and cool or is that just the nature of the beast? The vests the cops wear under their cloths seem pretty thin and comfortable. Granted, I've never worn a department issued vest, but they wear them all day in the summer heat.
In December '08, I overheard a FL State Trooper request a tow truck (the truck driver was in the gun store at the time) to change his tire for him. Level IIIA is warm, nature of the beast.
I've worn Level II, II-A, III and III-A vests for various work assignments. The Level III-A was warm, but considering the circumstances, I'd rather be "warm" than face the consequences.

There are trauma packs that can be inserted into many models of vests that will stop rifle rounds and higher powered handguns.

Here's a guide as to what to expect from the various levels of body armor:

• Level I offers the most basic protection. It’s the same ballistic vest issued during the NIJ demonstration project of the 1970s.
• Level II-A offers greater protection, from lower velocity 9mm and 40 S&W ammunition.
• Level II offers even greater protection like higher velocity .357 Magnum and 9mm ammunition.
• Level III-A is the highest protection available for concealable, ballistic vests. Level III-A protects against most handguns and all the weapons from the previous three levels.

Check out this link for more information on the history and selection of body armor: Ballistic Vests, Introduction - Galls

Check out the various LE supply companies like Police Equipment - Public Safety Equipment - Police Uniforms : Galls, ISP - Body Armor - Bullet Proof Vests - Air Taser M 18, Concealable Vests, Ballistic Wall Panes

Looks like prices have gone up slightly, but here's a few examples of economical but dependable vests. Link Removed Link Removed Concealable Body Armor

Shop around and find the best armor that you can afford and would be comfortable wearing. I prefer Kevlar, but there are other materials out there.

Thanks for those links. Looks like level II offers a good balance between comfort and protection for relatively low threat security work. Looks like level II and level III-A will basically stop the same caliber but you'd sustain more blunt trauma with level II.
I'm in law enforcement and as for as I know it is illegal for anyone but law enforcement to posses a bullet proof vest.
Do a little research, me lad.

I'm in law enforcement and as for as I know it is illegal for anyone but law enforcement to posses a bullet proof vest.

No, it is not illegal. As a law enforcement officer, you really have an obligation to know these things. Were you to see a citizen wearing bullet resistant clothing (provided they were NOT in the commission of a crime), you would have no LEGAL authority to cite them.

The rules are different for felons, however.

Study up, Sanodusa. There is also a whole passel of gun laws I would appreciate you learning, especially as regards conceal carry.

Laws do change. At one time it was illegal for anyone other than law enforcement. And as for as conceal carry laws. I very much know the state I'm in and what other states we allow. We do our best as law enforcement officers keeping up with the laws but were not perfect nobody is.
And as for as conceal carry laws. I very much know the state I'm in and what other states we allow. We do our best as law enforcement officers keeping up with the laws but were not perfect nobody is.

I'm glad you do know your laws. Some of your LEO brothers down there Link Removed.

As for vests, they are certainly warm. If it's really needed though, it's way better than the alternative of being worm food.
No, it is not illegal.

+1 in OR

From the Oregon Revised Statutes:

166.642 Felon in possession of body armor. (1) A person commits the crime of felon in possession of body armor if the person:

(a) Has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving violence under the law of any state or the United States; and

(b) Knowingly is in possession or control of body armor.

(2) Felon in possession of body armor is a Class C felony.

166.643 Unlawful possession of body armor. (1) A person commits the crime of unlawful possession of body armor if the person, while committing or attempting to commit a felony or misdemeanor involving violence, knowingly:

(a) Wears body armor; and

(b) Possesses a deadly weapon.

(2) Unlawful possession of body armor is a Class B felony. [2001 c.635 §3]
I'd love to see a "bullet proof" vest for ANY price. I know that you can get a good "bullet resistant" vest for around $300 shipped new. Highly doubt that there is such a thing as a "bullet proof" vest.

PM me if you want ordering info.


Why do you have to be so condescending? Yes, technically body armor is bullet resistant and not bulletproof, but playing dumb whenever someone says bulletproof (kinda like those who play dumb about someone using the term clip for magazine) accomplishes nothing, especially when you absolutely know what they're talking about.

Anyway, I did security for two years, and a good concealable vest can be found for less than $500 brand new. Those that run into the thousands of dollars are typically the heavier ones that aren't concealable and are worn by SWAT teams.

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