Bulk Ammo


New member
Anyone have a suggestion for the best site to buy bulk ammo. I am looking for 40,9 Luger and 380.
Would like 1000 round each
These days you've just got to shop. The last 500 I bought came along with a pistol. Before that I bought from J&G when I was in AZ-I didn't get all I wanted but I got what they had in stock. The time before that I bought off GunBroker. Locally, ammo is expensive and often out of stock. Get a list of sites to look at and call before you order; you don't want to be backordered in this market. I've got about 4 different companies I like to stick with but lately I've had to buy from others.

If you're curious about a company post a thread and ask before you order.
+1 for ammunitiontogo.com... but keep in mind that just like anywhere else right now they are pretty low on just about everything if not completely out. good luck!
The last bulk buy I made was with Ammoman.com His prices are good. The shipping, hazmat fee, etc... is included in the price you see.

The only problem is that right now he doesnt have much in stock, but that is because of the good prices and recent HUGE increase in sales.

Might also check with J&G Sales. I havent purchased with them before but I have heard good things.

Cant go wrong with cheaperthandirt.com either.
The last bulk buy I made was with Ammoman.com His prices are good. The shipping, hazmat fee, etc... is included in the price you see.

If they are adding a hazmat fee to the price then they are ripping people off. There is no hazmat fee on ammo.
Here is a good site to check ammo prices. They are usually up to date. Be sure to enter your Zip before checking price.

gun-deals.com gun-deals.com - Unbiased Gun Deals

Price total will depend on where the ammo is being shipped from. I get most of my surplus ammo from AIM. . If I buy from Century the shipping is cheaper but because I live in FL I have to pay 7% sales tax.
Bulk ammo

If you live near a Cabela's, they now have .50 cal plastic ammo cans with bulk ammo of many different calibers, both pistol and rifle. they charge a decent price, and the ammo cans are well-built and strong, with a waterproof seal. You might check them out.
If they are adding a hazmat fee to the price then they are ripping people off. There is no hazmat fee on ammo.

My bad got ahead of myself on that one. Ammomans prices usually include free shipping.

My last big order was primers and powder, and the company I ordered from wanted hazmat for that one.
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