Brinks Home "Security" Commercials


OK, I'm sitting here tonight, watching Outdoor Network, and a Brinks commercial comes on the TV. They freaking get under my skin! This isn't the commercial I saw tonight, but it's the same basic idea - BG tries to break in, hears the alarm, runs away - Brinks calls, and everyone is "safe"...

How about you break in my house, you WILL BE SHOT! No questions asked.

I have a security system in my home. I got mine through our telephone company and it's been worth every penny spent. We started having a rash of break in's in our area. People were hit all around me luckily I never was. I think just the sign in the front deterred a few. When I'm at home I'm my own security. It's when I leave the house that I worry and that extra level of security works.
I love those comercials

Every time one comes on I comment at the end something like:"Or that could double-tap him in the chest and when Brinks calls they can say,'Yeah,we're fine,but send the police to pick up the trash.'"
She gets tired of hearing it,but I keep saying it.
I'd be surprised if any of the local alarm companies respond to the tripped alarm. I've seen police dispatched to businesses, but have yet to see a prompt response to a residence. I've seen one response by the alarm company, it took them over 45 minutes to show up in a compact sedan with flashing yellow lights. What a joke.

I have an alarm system in my home. I wouldn't count on them to do anything other than "deter" with the signs, cameras etc. It does help on my homeowners insurance though.

Who needs Brinks?

I've got a commercial video from some gun store in Utah (and I can't seem to copy to share, probably because of it's size; so visualize here...) that shows a young, pretty girl at home alone, late one night. Some BG breaks into her house with bad intents and she calls 911. They reply that that the police will be there in a minute. She says, "I haven't got a minute!" and proceedes to empty a drum from a full auto AK into him. Cool, huh???

I do not mean to say that alarm systems are bad, I have one myself. Like Redhat said - it is for when I'm NOT at home, plus I too have had several breakin's in the neighborhood, and none in mine - and i have to think that the sign in the yard has helped. But when I'm home, I am not going to rely on an alarm system to scare off any bad guys.
I've got a commercial video from some gun store in Utah (and I can't seem to copy to share, probably because of it's size; so visualize here...) that shows a young, pretty girl at home alone, late one night. Some BG breaks into her house with bad intents and she calls 911. They reply that that the police will be there in a minute. She says, "I haven't got a minute!" and proceedes to empty a drum from a full auto AK into him. Cool, huh???

I love that wish we could see that on TV! Which brings up the question why are there no firearms commercials on TV other than during some of the shooting shows. I guess I know why but still would like to see a couple now and then.
I've seen that Brinks commercial while watching Personal Def TV and it is so out of place..BG kicks in door and liberal family cowers behind the bed because they choose not to own any firearms, as they rely on OTHERS to protect them.:cool:
My son owns his own security company and I work with him. When we talk to someone about their security system will often tell them that a security system is just one layer of protection. We talk to them about their locks and what kind works best and we also recomend that they consider a fire arm for their personal defence and take the CHL course. By the way those large security companies charge way to much so they can pay for all that advertising.
my wife had a home alarm system go off at a house she was working at right after one of the owners left, owner must of turned it on or something while my wife was still there anyways the security place calls on the phone as my wife is on her cell calling the husband for the code the security place hangs up and acouple of minutes later heres two officers at the door, I don't beleave it took to long for them to get there. they could tell they were not needed after seeing just my wife there cleaning. are house we have two GSD'S and normally pretty quite area we live in. and motion lights front and side of house. but like you will all say you can never be to safe.
I have 2/4 legged meat grinders. Both are not as good as geese but bark at anything not right.
I have APX security. They are great--police response however is not so great.
I live in the area with the highest crime in the state. Only once has my alarm gone off when I wasn't home. APX called me on my cell and alerted the police. I got home about 45 minutes after the call. House was ok--I walked in and cleared it myself and called police dispatch. Dispatch said that for home alarms they just let the cops in the area know and when they have time they will come by and check it out.
So I know I can't rely on LE so I've made my house real secure,have APX alarm Co, and got a decent gun safe plus 2 other safes for papers and other valuables.
I feel I've done the best I can but still looking for ways to improve security.
But I agree with others--when I'm home--I am the security
I have 2/4 legged meat grinders. Both are not as good as geese but bark at anything not right.

I have 2 Huskies, the male is 115 pounds of fur and teeth. They don't bark, but will tear a new one to anyone what don't belong in "their" back yard. My wife has some kind of strange little indoor critter, that the best I can tell is a cross between a ferret and a Chihuahua. It barks at any and everything.
Security system affordability

I have a security system and my insurance company pays for it!
The break they gave me on homeowners insurance covers my system and fees to the penny. It is nice piece of mind and the company has an excellent response time. I am the security when I am home, but when the wife is home alone, I like the idea of her having a panic button that cannot be recalled until the cops arrive. Like I said, My insurance company pays for it with the break they give for a system and you can't pass up free stuff!

I have a security system and my insurance company pays for it!
The break they gave me on homeowners insurance covers my system and fees to the penny. It is nice piece of mind and the company has an excellent response time. I am the security when I am home, but when the wife is home alone, I like the idea of her having a panic button that cannot be recalled until the cops arrive. Like I said, My insurance company pays for it with the break they give for a system and you can't pass up free stuff!

By the time you deduct the savings from the insurance company it makes it hard to justify not having one. I not only have an alarm system but bars on the windows and doors. I did not chose the Key Fobs with the panic button but rather the ones without because I have a bad habit of hitting the panic button by mistake myself. My wife and I are both well armend however so our panic button is our finger on the trigger.
I have to take full responsibility for my family's safety and security. I would not trust a alarm company with that task. I guess an alarmed home would be better than nothing, if I were not at home. Let a BG enter my dwelling with intent to do harm, and it will be the biggest and also the last mistake he makes.
we have a good response time by phone in my neighborhood from the home security companies and when they can not contact you dipatching the police quickly, but in a emegency I doubt that is quick enough. security systems are just a layer of protectin, maybe keeps lazy BG away. But I am always prepared to defend the home front or any were else for that matter.