Bringing a pistol as a gift


New member
I would like to bring my son a 10 round pistol and give it to him as a gift. Do you think he will have to do the safety course to acept the pistol. And as a side bar if I am visiting and staying at their residence can I bring my own pistol for self protection. I will be staying for a month this fall
It depends on where you live. In most of America there is no need for any permits to own a pistol and you can legally transfer it to another person. However if you live in the Peoples Republick of Kalifornia or New York or similiar restrictive regimes you may have to go to a dealer and have some paper work filed.
If you're bringing firearms into Hawaii, you have 72 hours to register them with the local police department according to Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 134. Check out for more information. If your son is a current Hawaii resident, he will need to take a course from a NRA firearms instructor, the Hawaii Hunter Education Program, or obtain a letter from a military or law enforcement agency stating that he is proficient in firearms safety and Hawaii State law. PM me if you have specific questions or would like to know the most painless way of doing this. I can provide the necessary instruction, we can work out the details.

Federal and State law compliance

To comply with Federal law, you need to both be residents of the same State or qualify for the residency exemption (active duty military or maintain a residence in the State the transfer is to take place).

To comply with State law, private transfers must be legal without the use of an FFL while also complying with Federal law.

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