Breaking: Zimmerman's Bond Revoked!

He's back in the slammer again!
Out where a friend is a friend.
Where longhorn cattle feed,
On the lowly gypsum weed,
He's back in the slammer again!

He hiked his neighborhood once more,
Totin his old 9 m-m.
He'd be out every nite,
And only his law was right,
Now he's back in the slammer again!

When he lied to the lawmen,
They let him go.
Then he lied to a judge, oh no no!
The judge blew his stack,
And hauled Zim's azz back,
Now he's back in the slammer again!

Whoppity aye oh,
Rocking to and fro,
Back in the slammer again!
Whoppity aye yay,
He went his way,
Now he's back in the slammer again!


Under Florida law, a judge may consider ALL of the financial resources at one's disposal when setting bail (Link Removed, p. 8 sec. 3): "In determining whether to release a defendant on bail or other conditions, and what that bail or those conditions may be, the court may consider the nature and circumstances of the offense charged and the penalty provided by resources..."
Under Florida law, a judge may consider ALL of the financial resources at one's disposal when setting bail (Link Removed, p. 8 sec. 3): "In determining whether to release a defendant on bail or other conditions, and what that bail or those conditions may be, the court may consider the nature and circumstances of the offense charged and the penalty provided by resources..."

Not only are you expanding and clarifying the rule with your paraphrase, but quoting the Rules of the Court is like quoting Latin. Most regular folks have never even heard of them, much less are they intimately familiar with every aspect of them. That's why people hire lawyers. A good lawyer never would have let this happen.
Prosecutors released nearly 150 of George Zimmerman’s recorded jailhouse phone calls Monday, including one that suggests his defense attorney knew from the start that tens of thousands of dollars in donations had begun pouring in.

In a phone call recorded April 14 between Zimmerman and a friend named Scott, the two discuss the new defense lawyer and the attorney’s vision for an upcoming bond hearing. Zimmerman tells his friend that he told his new attorney, Mark O’Mara, that he tried to transfer $37,000 from his online legal defense fund site, but could not complete the transaction because of PayPal rules that prevent transfers larger than $10,000.

He twice mentions telling O’Mara about the money.

“He said he’s going to have me declared indigent,” Zimmerman told his friend. “I told him I didn’t think that would be possible, because there was one sizable transfer I tried to make. It got stopped. You know, $37. He said: ‘Well that doesn’t matter. Right now you’re not working. You’re not providing an income for your family. You’re probably not going to be employable for the rest of your life...’”

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Wow. That makes two people who are too stupid to be involved in the Zimmerman case if true; O'Mara and Zimmerman himself. I'm not commenting on the shooting either. I still hold the opinion that he's on fairly solid ground legally-speaking. But damn man, everything he's done since that night has been display after agonizing display of terminal stupidity. And it ain't over yet. He delivers what may well be his own coup de gras tonight in an hour-long interview with Hannity, during which he not only reiterates his apology that he already (stupidly) made in open court to the family of Martin, but the blurb I just saw has him expounding on it extensively! And O'Mara is sitting right there with him! Every single word, every nervous laugh or seemingly dismissive gesture, has the potential to be used against him in his trial, and all the blabbering he's done since engaging in a more-likely-than-not legal, self-defense use of a weapon resulting in the death of a 17 year old, could be what puts him in jail for the rest of his life when, if he'd just stayed quiet and not conspired to hide his financial situation with his wife, and now apparently, with his lawyer, he'd probably walk away unscathed.

I'd bet my next paycheck that some excerpt of tonight's Hannity show will be viewed by the jury after a thorough cycle through the prosecutor's spin machine. I keep trying to think this guy deserves a break from all the negative attention from Al and Jesse et al, as well as from the judge who seems WAY biased to me, but damn man, this hour-long interview is just the dumbest thing he could conceivably do. It's not looking good for him, because he won't shut up and let it.

I'd bet my next paycheck that some excerpt of tonight's Hannity show will be viewed by the jury after a thorough cycle through the prosecutor's spin machine.

Just reported on Fox: Prosecutors have just entered the Hannity interview as discovery material to be turned over. No surprise.

I heard one thing that will definitely be used against him during the interview. He was asked about Jackson and Sharpton and all the "racist" hoopla that exploded, and he said at one point, "I'd just like an apology. I mean, if I did something wrong, I would apologize." Yep, and he did, on the stand in his first bond hearing, he used the words, "I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son."

The prosecutors will put those two utterances together and make the bond hearing apology out to be indicative of a consciousness of guilt. He did something "wrong," therefore he made the apology at the first public opportunity he had.

I'm sure there will be lots more from that interview that will be used by the prosecutor. This interview was the worst bit of lawyering since Marsha Clarke made OJ try to put on the bloody gloves without knowing that they wouldn't fit. O'Mara should be disbarred with this, and the assertion by Zimmerman on the jailhouse tapes that he knew about the money before the bond hearing. Zimmerman may have been justified in shooting Martin, but he's way out of his depth in his decisions on when, or when not to, shoot his mouth off.

Turns out he and his wife lied about their finances at the bond hearing.....not smart

Everyone in America knew GZ had a website set up for donations. How could the judge, prosecutor and lawyers not know. It was the only thing they were talking about on the radio and tv. So it would make no
sense to lie.
Again, I'm not talking about anybody. I'm talking about the guy whose actions have been the genesis for nationwide protests. I'm also not talking escape at any cost. I'm talking about the usefulness of his passport to him in that endeavour. You think murder isn't a big deal, try to get in to Canada with a misdeameanor DUI on your record years in your past. They check, and they'll send you packin'.

Here's a story about that Canadian freak wanted for murder, captured in GERMANY today. He took off before he was wearing a GPS tracker or was even a wanted or well-known person. There was also much less publicity surrounding his case, maybe a couple of mentions on CNN, versus months of coverage of George. Here's what the German police said:

A Canadian, in Germany. It's a small world.

Anyway, I think I've beat this dead horse enough. Take care.

I saw the Canadian psychos picture, he looks truly evil. This is the second story I have read on usacarry within the last couple of days, where the victim gets cut up into small pieces. Truly another reason to carry concealed.
Blues, it is to bad GZ couldn't have had you for a lawyer. His lawyer may have been the one, to have gave him the idea to set up the Paypal account; and then didn't disclose it in the hearing. He needs to fire
the lawyer and get a new one.
Just reported on Fox: Prosecutors have just entered the Hannity interview as discovery material to be turned over. No surprise.

I heard one thing that will definitely be used against him during the interview. He was asked about Jackson and Sharpton and all the "racist" hoopla that exploded, and he said at one point, "I'd just like an apology. I mean, if I did something wrong, I would apologize." Yep, and he did, on the stand in his first bond hearing, he used the words, "I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son."

The prosecutors will put those two utterances together and make the bond hearing apology out to be indicative of a consciousness of guilt. He did something "wrong," therefore he made the apology at the first public opportunity he had.

I'm sure there will be lots more from that interview that will be used by the prosecutor. This interview was the worst bit of lawyering since Marsha Clarke made OJ try to put on the bloody gloves without knowing that they wouldn't fit. O'Mara should be disbarred with this, and the assertion by Zimmerman on the jailhouse tapes that he knew about the money before the bond hearing. Zimmerman may have been justified in shooting Martin, but he's way out of his depth in his decisions on when, or when not to, shoot his mouth off.

He didn't say that he was sorry he had to shoot. Hey, I'm sorry for the loss of their son. Does that make me an accessory?

There is no evidence that refutes anything that Zimmerman has claimed, and there IS evidence that supports a lot of it. Bottom line, Zimmerman is guilty of being TOO white. If race had been reversed, or the same for both of them, no one outside of Florida would have ever heard of the incident. On top of that, Obama saw it as another opportunity to further divide the people, and he never misses a opportunity to do that.
He didn't say that he was sorry he had to shoot. Hey, I'm sorry for the loss of their son. Does that make me an accessory?

Are you being serious here? I'm talking about doing what every lawyer on the planet except for the one he hired would tell him: Don't talk about the case in public! And if you must talk in public, don't do it in a grandiose, self-serving way as you demand to be heard at a freakin' bond hearing!

You do realize that the Founders put the 5th Amendment in the Constitution because they knew what an insidious violation of natural law it is to be compelled to testify against yourself, don't you? When you get on the stand in any part of your own criminal trial, you are testifying against yourself no matter how well you think you're prepared to control the direction and subject matter of the testimony. I'm sorry for the loss of Martin too. But I'm not on trial for being the cause of that loss, and neither are you, so of course you're not an accessory, except maybe being an accessory to a general lack of understanding why the 5th Amendment is there and what it is intended to protect you from; yourself.

There is no evidence that refutes anything that Zimmerman has claimed, and there IS evidence that supports a lot of it. Bottom line, Zimmerman is guilty of being TOO white. If race had been reversed, or the same for both of them, no one outside of Florida would have ever heard of the incident. On top of that, Obama saw it as another opportunity to further divide the people, and he never misses a opportunity to do that.

I only mentioned race to recount the part of the interview I was alluding to. The race issue, which I believe in reality is non-existent as far as Zimmerman's thought-process is concerned, is completely irrelevant to the point I was making, and Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the point I was making.

You seem to be under the misconception that what I said in the post you quoted was somehow speaking out against Zimmerman. Ask anyone who's been around here for more than a minute and they'll tell you, I have gone to the mat trying to keep people sticking to only the known facts and not saying things like "Z. chased after Martin looking for a fight, and when he got one, he was losing so he shot him." That kind of tripe was rampant around here and I spoke out against nearly every instance of that kind of misinformation and speculation.

I am standing up for Zimmerman's best interests in saying he's making a huge mistake in talking at the bond hearing and talking to the media. It's legal suicide, or at least has the strong potential to be. His lawyer should know that a lot better than I do, and if he doesn't, I consider it nothing less than malpractice to charge him for such inept legal counsel. I really think you completely missed the point of my post.


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