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The Day after we put to rest a true American Hero, Chris Kyle, a "cartoonist" thought it would be
clever or witty to put this into print in the Kansas City Star.
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Educate the paper's staff and their advertisers over this lack of compassion.
Mr. Lee Judge: [email protected]. Here’s his bosses email [email protected].
I would cancel my subscription if I didn't know all ready that they where a biased rag and refused to subscribe to begin with....
He didn't die a hero. He died and idiot. If the person he had armed had just wounded him and killed someone else instead he'd be on trial for a crime. Death saved him from disgrace.
He didn't die a hero. He died and idiot. If the person he had armed had just wounded him and killed someone else instead he'd be on trial for a crime. Death saved him from disgrace.

Well nogods you are an idiot. So now you will die a fools death because I can no longer put up with you being a fool. So I will add you to my ignore list. Goodbye!!!!!
Well nogods you are an idiot. So now you will die a fools death because I can no longer put up with you being a fool. So I will add you to my ignore list. Goodbye!!!!!

He was already on my ignore list, so thanks for quoting him... now I had to look at it too. :shout:
He didn't die a hero. He died and idiot. If the person he had armed had just wounded him and killed someone else instead he'd be on trial for a crime. Death saved him from disgrace.

You are one DUMB S. O. B.
But at least I can add your ignorant a$$ to my ignored list.
Disgraceful comment nogods... Nobody is closing their eyes to what you called the "truth". There is no truth to your statement. I choose not to listen to uneducated and the non-compassionate people of this sad little world that is developing before our eyes. Also, people like you are the reason we are in the mess we are in. Here is a sarcastic "THANKS".
Disgraceful comment nogods...

Put aside the emotions and think about it for minute.

If Kyle had given his truck keys to Eddie Routh knowing he was drunk and said "take it for a ride" don't you think he would be culpable if Routh killed someone?

Women indicted for felony vehicular manslaughter for giving her keys to intoxicated boyfriend who killed two people

Kyle put a weapon in the hands of a mentally unstable person in a misguided attempt to play doctor.

Kyle was not qualified to engage in such therapy. In that respect, he is even more culpable than the women who gave her drunken boyfriend the keys, because Kyle was engaging in an activity for which he knew he was not qualified.

His death doesn't change his hero status for what he did during his years in the armed forces.

Just like what OJ did after he left the NFL doesn't change his accomplishments as a football player.

But Kyle didn't die a hero. He died from a Darwin Award like activity.

Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense

But Dr. Edna Foa, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety, says that what Chris Kyle was doing with Eddie Ray Routh was not only not prolonged exposure therapy, it wasn't any kind of therapy at all. Dr. Foa should know; she invented prolonged exposure therapy.
"I actually think that taking someone who is distressed, anxious and depressed to shoot is a grave mistake. This is contrary to what prolonged exposure would prescribe. This is not in vivo exposure at all."
This isn't to say that a firing range could never be a constructive setting for actual in vivo exposure therapy. Foa has trained soldiers who have gained an irrational fear of guns to overcome it so that they can use their weapons and return to active duty.

"For the unusual case of a patient who is afraid of holding weapons, at the end of the treatment we would give him a weapon without ammunition. After he held the weapon many times without having anxiety and after the PTSD symptoms are substantially reduced, we would give him a gun with ammunition in a very controlled environment if he needs to use weapons in his work."

Foa isn't conflicted about re-training traumatized soldiers to shoot again, if that's the goal they want to achieve. The fundamental purpose of PE therapy is to return a traumatized person who is disabled by fear and anxiety to regain their ability to perform the necessary functions of their life; for a rape victim it could be to gain mastery over their fear of all men so they can hold a job in a coed office and regain financial independence, and for a soldier it might be gaining mastery over their fear of shooting so they can perform this duty which may be required to complete their tour in combat.

"I always say when people ask me if I don't feel bad when I do PET with a soldier who suffers from PTSD and then when he's getting better he get deployed again. My answer is that I'd rather a weapon be in the hands of a person who doesn't have PTSD than in the hands of one who does. If a person with PTSD has a flashback in a noncombat military setting, and think he is back in combat and the person standing in front of him is an enemy, they may shoot him. This can happen during flashbacks. I think it is unwise to give weapons to someone with severe PTSD; I don't recommend this."
I must ask you once again, nogods... Were you born a moron or do you work VERY hard at it all day long?!?
Help me out on this one. How does one add someone to the "ignore" list?

Click on "Settings" up near the top of the page, on the same line with your name. Then click on "Edit Ignore List" near the bottom on the left side. That takes you to a page where you can add someone to the list.
@nogods You and your ilk are all fools. You are part of the PROBLEM! Do all of us a favor and go back and crawl under the rock from which you came, jerk!
He didn't die a hero. He died and idiot. If the person he had armed had just wounded him and killed someone else instead he'd be on trial for a crime. Death saved him from disgrace.
You are a scumbag to think Chris was not a hero, he fought for your freedoms!!! Chris was trying to make a difference for military personal that are having problems with war stress if that alone doesn't make him a great person than I don't know what would!!! R.I.P Chris!!!
Put aside the emotions and think about it for minute.

If Kyle had given his truck keys to Eddie Routh knowing he was drunk and said "take it for a ride" don't you think he would be culpable if Routh killed someone?

Women indicted for felony vehicular manslaughter for giving her keys to intoxicated boyfriend who killed two people

Kyle put a weapon in the hands of a mentally unstable person in a misguided attempt to play doctor.

Kyle was not qualified to engage in such therapy. In that respect, he is even more culpable than the women who gave her drunken boyfriend the keys, because Kyle was engaging in an activity for which he knew he was not qualified.

His death doesn't change his hero status for what he did during his years in the armed forces.

Just like what OJ did after he left the NFL doesn't change his accomplishments as a football player.

But Kyle didn't die a hero. He died from a Darwin Award like activity.

Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense
No doctor can do what fellow peers can do!!! Don't believe me look up how they help people with issues its usually group therapy!!! Chris put his guard down to help a fellow veteran!!! At least he tried to make a difference!!!
You are a scumbag to think Chris was not a hero, he fought for your freedoms!!! Chris was trying to make a difference for military personal that are having problems with war stress if that alone doesn't make him a great person than I don't know what would!!! R.I.P Chris!!!

Reading and comprehension is a skill many find more difficult to master than putting 'em all in the circle.

I never said he was not a hero for what he did while in the service. Read my post again. Slowly if need be. Several times if need be. Get a friend to help you if needed.

What Kyle was doing the day he died was as stupid as giving a drunk the keys to his car. He died as a result of a his own misguided ego and ignorance, engaged in an activity for which he had no skills, no training, and no sane reason to be engaged in.

Of course, maybe you all are qualified psychiatrist or psychologist. Maybe you all know better than Dr. Edna Foa and her colleagues.

So keep the vitriol flying instead of disputing the facts.

It might make you feel smarter. But it doesn't make you smarter.

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