Bought an AR, AK or combat shotgun lately?


New member
We are putting on a 2 day course over 3/2-3/3. Our intro to advanced shotgun and carbine classes are some of the best in the business. They are based on USMC/State Department Doctrine. There are no finer Into to Defensive Long Gun Courses available. We will be limiting these courses to 10 students. We only do 3 of these combined courses a year. These are advanced courses not meant for the student just picking up a gun for the first time. You should have a NRA Basic Pistol or Rifle Course, FFWCC Hunter Safety or compatible course under your belt. We can arrange for those in advance with notification.

Normally Cost of the courses are $450.00 per discipline. We are offering a package deal for this weekend only at $600. per person for both classes.

Urban Shotgun

Warrior Mindset
Color Codes of Awareness
Dynamic Range Safety
Chokes and Patterns
Ammo Selection
Manipulation and Combat Loading
Advance Malfunction Clearing
Shotgun Strengths and Weaknesses
Use of Sights and Optics
Point Shooting
Patterning Your Gun
Shooting From Stationary Cover/Concealment
Shooting on the Move
Shotgun Aftermarkets and Accessories-Do you need them?
Intro to Transitioning to Side Arm

Intro To Urban Carbine

Dynamic Range Safety
Review of Rifle Marksmanship Fundamentals
Zeroing and Accuracy
Manipulation, Malfunctions and Clearing
Positions, Static and Dynamic
Moving and Engaging
Multiple Target Acquisition
Speed Engagement
Carry Methods
Sighting Methods
Ammo Selection
Rifles, Accessories and Equipment
Intro to Transitioning to Side Arm

This is a pre-registration Class. Deposits due by Feb 15. 2013 Class to be held in Okeechobee Shooting Sports Okeechobee Florida on a 560 Range.