Bottle Neck (7.62 x 25) bullet seating problem


New member
Although I reloaded my first cartridge in 1969, I still run into some problems from time to time. Recently purchased a Zastavia Tokarev, dies, brass, 85 gn bullets, etc.
I full length sized the first case and only neck sized the next few. I chamfered the inside of the necks and pressed in the bullet. Almost every one seated "off center", or canted slightly. Not much, but I'm sure enough to affect accuracy. I'm sure a lot of you know what the problem is (me, most likely), but would appreciate any helpful comments you might care of offer.
If everything lines up straight....
Do you have the right bullet seating plug for your type of bullets?
Might try to increase the flare so the bullet has a small start in the case.
How much off-center? What kind of accuracy do you think you can get with perfectly straight seating? Have you tried shooting any yet and compare to factory ammo?
In general, you should take a factory round and use it to align the seating stem so it is as co-axial as possible. Alternatively, if Hornady has a seating die with the floating bullet alignment sleeve for 7.62x25, you could try one. The use of a custom seating stem would be about the best way to go and Lee makes them inexpensively.
I am sorry, but to me, this is a total non-worry and you need to get your priorities correct. You have a milsurp gun that is not known for accuracy and you want to worry about things that only really apply to benchrest and long-range rifle shooting?
How far are you going to be shooting? 25 yards? 10 yards? 7 feet?

There was this post on the Gun Boards forum:
Dan Schuttig
Link RemovedSenior Member
Join DateMay 2008Posts744​

Link Removed Fix for the Lee 7.62x25 Tok seating problem

I don't know how many of you reload the 7.62x25 Tokarev, but if you do you probably use the Lee dies, since they are the only brand that you don't have to mortgage your house for. You may have also noticed that they are difficult, if not impossible to get a bullet to seat straight (excessive run-out) Now I know a few folks here are going to chime in and tell me that I don't know how to use the dies, ect, but I can assure you that I do, and this is a well documented problem with the Lee Tokarev seater. (other Lee dies don't seem to have this problem, just the 7.62x25) Perhaps the newer production dies have the problem rectified, but I doubt it. The problem seems to be in the shape of the internals, and the free floating seating stem (side to side - nothing to hold it centered and midline) After some research, and not wanting to spend a fortune, I finally came up with a solution. If you have any Hornady short seating dies (Most pistol catridges, some shorter rifle) all you need to do is order the alignment sleeve for .30 Luger and .30 caliber seating stem directly from Hornady. It cost me a little over 6 bucks for the sleeve and 4 and change for the stem. (come to find out the seating stem is exactly the same for there .30's rifle and all, so if you have one all you need is the sleeve.) Switch it out in your die body..... And whala.. I finally FINALLY got a 7.62x25 with a centered bullet without the trademark tilt the Lee seater produced.​

I use the K.I.S.S. When seating bullets and I've checked the runout on both, before and after, I use my technique for Bullet seating. Not everyone would agree but I know it works for anything I load. When seating the bullet I rotate the round and re-ram the round about 4-5 times. I turn the round 20-25 degrees each time and reseat. It only takes a few extra seconds but takes an ill-seated bullet and as you rotate it and reseat it without changing the height, will apply opposite pressure from the can't and straighten the bullet. Do a complete 360 degree turn and your bullet should be straight when done. I proved it to a friend who was reloading and no matter what he did, he always had a flyer. After he did what I told him, his groups were smaller and with out flyers. It doesn't cost anything but a few seconds per round and can't hurt. If it doesn't help your situation you can alway spend the money described in the post.

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First, always get a seating stem that fits the bullet.
Next, you may need to flare the case mouth so the bullet will stay straight.
Finally, unless you are shooting well beyond 25 yards, it probably doesn't matter at all.

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