Border patrol agent held at gunpoint


God Bless Our Troops!!!
Be prepared to get really mad as you read this!

Border patrol agent held at gunpoint
Officers fear Mexican military encounters will turn violent
Jerry Seper

A U.S. Border Patrol agent was held at gunpoint Sunday night by members of the Mexican military who had crossed the border into Arizona, but the soldiers returned to Mexico without incident when backup agents responded to assist.

Agents assigned to the Border Patrol station at Ajo, Ariz., said the Mexican soldiers crossed the international border in an isolated area about 100 miles southwest of Tucson and pointed rifles at the agent, who was not identified.

It was unclear what the soldiers were doing in the United States, but U.S. law enforcement authorities have long said that current and former Mexican military personnel have been hired to protect drug and migrant smugglers.

"Unfortunately, this sort of behavior by Mexican military personnel has been going on for years," union Local 2544 of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) said on its Web page. "They are never held accountable, and the United States government will undoubtedly brush this off as another case of 'Oh well, they didn't know they were in the United States.'

"It is fortunate that this incident didn't end in a very ugly gunfight," said the local's posting.

The NBPC represents all nonsupervisory personnel among the agency's 16,000 agents.

Border Patrol spokesman Michael Friel did not return calls for comment Tuesday.

State Department spokeswoman Nicole Thompson said Tuesday that the department had no information on the incident, and referred further questions to the Border Patrol. "It is not an incident that we are aware of," she said.

Ricardo Alday, spokesman at the Mexican Embassy in Washington, said Tuesday that Mexico and the United States are engaged in "an all-out struggle to deter criminal organizations from operating on both sides of our common border."

"Law enforcement operations have led, from time to time, to innocent incursions by both U.S. and Mexican law enforcement personnel and military units into the territory of both nations, and in particular along non-demarcated areas of our border," he said.
Yep, we can send troops all over the world to fight other countries battles for them but we can not protect our people or our borders from this. This should be considered an act of war.
Riddle Me this, Batman!!

when is an INVASION not a INVASION?
thisis very similar to how The War of 1812 started, when British Soldiers invaded AMERICA from CANADA!!! somehow, i do not think Bill Jordan or The Border Patrol Officers of the past would have stood for this.
when is an INVASION not a INVASION?
thisis very similar to how The War of 1812 started, when British Soldiers invaded AMERICA from CANADA!!! somehow, i do not think Bill Jordan or The Border Patrol Officers of the past would have stood for this.

Somehow I don't think presidents like Andrew Jackson or Teddy Roosevelt would have put up with it either but that was then and this is now. Things were different when we had patriots in leadership of the country rather than NWO bureaucrats.
God forbid that it did not happen, but I'm just wondering how the higher ups would have reacted if this incident would have turned into a firefight. I bet that this is the last we will be hearing of this incident.
The cheapest and most efficient way to protect the border is...Land Mines! Plus they will know in moments were they penetrated the border.;)
That's not such a bad idea. Unfortunately, if we were to use those some wacky human rights organization would probably sue, claiming that it is cruel and unnecessary, and that it puts Border Patrol agents out of work.
The Air Force has the answer

The USAF has developed crowd control weapons that make your skin burn and your stomach feel sick. During tests subjects became so incapacitated after less than three seconds exposure that they required immediate medical attention. One those little honeys about every hundred yards out to do. Any thing that makes it past that can be summarily tried and executed for espionage and subversive behavior.
Haven't any of you heard of Knobb Creek? Twice a year in KY people get to gether and pay to shoot any type of firearm. From automatics to 50cal sniper rifles. Why don't we move it down to the border and have it every day. We'll keep it far enough away so the bulletts don't cross the border. That way the Lib's can't say that we're "trying" to kill anyone. I think that the sound of the gunfire will keep anyone from trying to cross. What do ya'all think. :)
I thought that crossing the border into a sovereign nation and pointing weapons or shooting at that country's citizens,law enforcement officers,or military personell was an act of war.It would take,what,20 minutes to win a war against Mexico?
I agree,in days past we had patriots running the country.
Yep, coming soon:

Formerly "The United States Of America"

now known as "The United Republic Of Mexico"

We have allowed them illegally in here (our government) and they have taken over. They are the fastest growing race and they will exceed all other races in the U.S. by 2012... THAT'S A TRUE STATISTIC!!!!!!!!!!!

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