Bloomberg Anti-Gun 'Soul-Mate' Kilpatrick Now A Cellmate; Should Resign, Says CCRKBA


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Anti-gun Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick – jailed for violating terms of his bond as he faces trial on eight felony counts – should resign before bringing any more disgrace to his office, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Kilpatrick is a prominent member of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition. The irony, said CCRKBA Legislative Affairs Director Joe Waldron, is that because the mayor is under indictment, he cannot possess a firearm.

“Here’s a guy who was very quick on the political trigger by joining Bloomberg’s coalition of gun-grabbing municipal chief executives,” Waldron observed, “but he really misfired when he violated his bond agreement and crossed the border into Canada last month without telling the court in advance. The behavior that got him into this legal quagmire suggests that Kilpatrick considers himself above the law.
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“No wonder he’s pals with Michael Bloomberg,” Waldron continued. “New York’s mayor is lucky he’s not facing charges for that vigilante gun shop sting operation he mounted two years ago because it interfered with legitimate federal investigations. Did Kilpatrick think that he would also avoid trouble, even though he lied under oath about a relationship he had with his former chief of staff?”

Waldron said Kilpatrick “is hardly the face I’d want representing any group of mayors, if I were Michael Bloomberg.”

“Mayors Against Illegal Guns has been campaigning against a constitutionally-protected, fundamental civil right under the guise of crime control,” Waldron stated, “claiming some kind of moral high ground in the process. Yet one of their key members is now under indictment for perjury, misconduct and obstruction of justice, and he’s been jailed for violating provisions of his bond agreement.

“Bloomberg ought to be real proud of this guy,” he concluded.