Blackhawk Serpa


Just stopped by Traders Gun shop at lunch and picked up a Serpa for my XD .45 - Man, is it nice! Comes with both the paddle and the belt slide attachment, adjustable for 1 1/2" and 2" belt. Been practicing my draw, with the finger lock - it's much easier than I thought it would be!

Now just need to get a couple of mag holders to go on the other side of this Nylon Duty belt I picked up for when I go to the range - any suggestions? I have 2 Springfield mag holders, but they don't fit the 2" belt - I like them, but like this belt more.
Congrats on the holster! I bought one also a few weeks back when I picked up my XD45. I picked it up because the XD will be the gun I use when taking classes and, like you said, this holster makes a great range/class holster. I to was a little worried about having to release the gun to draw but its designed great. It’s very easy to get use to.

As far as mag pouches go I use a small belt so the XD pouch works fine for me. I do have a wilson combat pouch for my 1911 and love it. I'll have to look to see if they make it for a 2" belt.
Good pickup on a good holster. I use inexpensive nylon double mag pouches from TacOps Products or Blackhawk because I can wear them vertically or as I generally prefer, horizontally. My belts are 1.5" so I'm not sure about your 2" belt.
Be sure to practice drawing the firearm using your 2nd finger, not your trigger finger to release the retention device. There have been incidents where highly trained individuals have ND'd and caused serious injuries during "high stress" training scenarios. I have the same holster and have found that using my middle finger to release the retention device will allow me to keep my trigger finger straight along side the slide until I'm actually ready to fire my pistol.

It's an excellent holster, but like any new piece of eqipment, you need to use it properly for it to be safe.

I've got over 15,000 draws from my Serpa with my Sig P229R. I use the trigger finger and I've never had a problem. I'll have to look into the ND thing some more. I prefer a leather mag pouch. I currently use a double from G&G, but just about every holster manufacturer makes them. The only time I've ever had difficulty drawing my pistol is when I have my belt way too loose. Your belt needs to be snug. I scored DG (distinguished grad) at Frontsight in the 4 day defensive handgun class with my Sig & Serpa combo, so it definitely didn't slow me down.
I've got over 15,000 draws from my Serpa with my Sig P229R. I use the trigger finger and I've never had a problem. I'll have to look into the ND thing some more. I prefer a leather mag pouch. I currently use a double from G&G, but just about every holster manufacturer makes them. The only time I've ever had difficulty drawing my pistol is when I have my belt way too loose. Your belt needs to be snug. I scored DG (distinguished grad) at Frontsight in the 4 day defensive handgun class with my Sig & Serpa combo, so it definitely didn't slow me down.

All of the ND incidents that I'm referring to ocurred during "force on force" or high stress training. I personally had a numerous draws from my Serpa holster without incident. After hearing about the ND incidents where folks got injured and witnessing one first hand while training with marking cartridges and another with airsoft (I wasn't the one who had the ND in either case :wink:), I altered my training to the method I use today.

We evaluated the possibilities to see what wet wrong to cause the ND. It appears that the trigger finger wrapped around the grip and touched the trigger during the "highly intense" training. Using the middle finger is good in that your finger will continue to wrap around the grip of the pistol a natural action. The trigger finger should remain straight until "ready to shoot". There are times where a firearm will be drawn, but not immediately fired. The "high ready" and "low ready" positions come to mind. Also in a "shoot, don't shoot" situation, you want to be absolutely sure of your target before firing.

I love my Blackhawk Serpa (Glock 23); however, it shows through my shirt and the bottom peeks out of the bottom of my jacket.

What clothes do you recommend wearing to conceal it?

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