Black Powder pistol.


New member
Ok I know they don't follow the same rule as astandard pistol.

So can you carry one loaded on your front seat?

Can I carry one in a bag on my front seat, Etc.

I am sure most LEOs would say hey gun Im in trouble but once the gun was found to be a blackpowder pistol then does the rules change..

I ask cause the question how it was posed to me.
I've heard the same thing, that you can carry concealed a BP revolver with out a permit, but I really don't think so and I think it would be foolish to do so or open or on the seat of your car.

Even though the law and government looks at black power guns differently... in my opinion they are no different. (Actually I think the same laws or lack of for BP should be the same for modern firearms, but nobody is asking me).....

with that said, keep in mind a whole heck of a lot of folks have been maimed and killed with black powder pistols.... they are just as deadly and in many ways not nearly as 'safe' as a modern handgun.

Besides that, they are a pure pain to maintain.
Oh Black powder keep on burning missippi moon wontch .......

Ok I know they don't follow the same rule as astandard pistol.

So can you carry one loaded on your front seat?

Can I carry one in a bag on my front seat, Etc.

I am sure most LEOs would say hey gun Im in trouble but once the gun was found to be a blackpowder pistol then does the rules change..

I ask cause the question how it was posed to me.

Ok this is what I was told . You do not need a permit to buy a black powder pistol ..but you do need either a FID or a LTC to purchase the black powder and caps & lead balls .So that is leaving the carrying option kinda Grey area because if you need one to get the powder then you must need one to carry it loaded . Its all very complicated here in mass. That is the main reason wal-mart dropped all weapons from their Ma stores .Every manager had to have a LTC even if they didn't sell pistols . If you were to sit down and read every Ma gun law , you would be in a nut house trying to make sense of it & that's what they want so they can take your gun away LOL
Oh Black powder keep on burning Mississippi moon wontch .......

Ok I know they don't follow the same rule as astandard pistol.

So can you carry one loaded on your front seat?

Can I carry one in a bag on my front seat, Etc.

I am sure most LEOs would say hey gun Im in trouble but once the gun was found to be a blackpowder pistol then does the rules change..

I ask cause the question how it was posed to me.

Ok this is what I was told . You do not need a permit to buy a black powder pistol ..but you do need either a FID or a LTC to purchase the black powder and caps & lead balls .So that is leaving the carrying option kinda Grey area because if you need one to get the powder then you must need one to carry it loaded . Its all very complicated here in mass. That is the main reason wal-mart dropped all weapons from their Ma stores .Every manager had to have a LTC even if they didn't sell pistols . If you were to sit down and read every Ma gun law , you would be in a nut house trying to make sense of it & that's what they want so they can take your gun away LOL
First this is S.C. not Mass..... I don't have a clue what you need up there.

2nd, just about nobody used 'true' black powder any more. they use a product that is like smokeless powder but burns a little slower and so is classified a propellant not and explosive. I've messed with both... believe me, black powder is dangerous stuff.

down here you can buy the 'fake' black powder along with cap and balls and such with no problem. You can't even find Black Powder.
First this is S.C. not Mass..... I don't have a clue what you need up there.

2nd, just about nobody used 'true' black powder any more. they use a product that is like smokeless powder but burns a little slower and so is classified a propellant not and explosive. I've messed with both... believe me, black powder is dangerous stuff.

down here you can buy the 'fake' black powder along with cap and balls and such with no problem. You can't even find Black Powder.
I have to agree I never liked the way those guys loading a muzzle loader would just slam that ram rod in there i was always waiting for the BOOM Same deal with those big ole cannons they have. I saw this one guy on you tube loading an 1858 B.P. revolver and he had all his weight up on that little plunger and was jamming that ball down . You see if that was me there would be a loud BOOM and after the smoke cleared Id be standing there looking like While-E-Coyote all burnt up and junk !!
the only experience I've had with true black powder was over 30 years ago and in retrospect I got real lucky. you'll have to search FBI files to find out more....

the pyrodex is easy and not a problem... but it is messy, like BP, and you literally have to wash the entire gun in hot soapy water when you are done.

Permit situation in S.C. is sort of kinda okay.... could be a lot better... takes a day long class which cost money and then another $50 to the state and you wait 3 months... then there are all kinds of stupid restrictions that serve no purpose. Have to either be a resident or at least own property in S.C. to get a permit.

The best thing about having an S.C. permit is when you go to a gun dealer and buy a gun (long or short) there is no back ground check.
Ok I know they don't follow the same rule as astandard pistol.

So can you carry one loaded on your front seat?

Can I carry one in a bag on my front seat, Etc.

I am sure most LEOs would say hey gun Im in trouble but once the gun was found to be a blackpowder pistol then does the rules change..

I ask cause the question how it was posed to me.

I'd bet that it would only matter for hunting deer.
SC Code of Laws for a definitions:

"Pistol" means any firearm designed to expel a projectile and designed to be fired from the hand, but shall not include any firearm generally recognized or classified as an antique, curiosity, or collector's item, or any that does not fire fixed cartridges.

"Handgun" means any firearm designed to expel a projectile and designed to be fired from the hand, but shall not include any firearm generally recognized or classified as an antique, curiosity, or collector's item, or any that does not fire fixed cartridges.

"Antique firearm" means any firearm not designed or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898 (including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system or replica thereof, whether actually manufactured before or after the year 1898) and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.

Unless someone can find something else a black powder revolver is an antique firearm and not considered by legal definition a handgun or pistol.:pleasantry:

SC Code of Law
Title16 Crimes and Offenses
Chapter 23 Offenses involving weapons

SECTION 16-23-270. Article not applicable to antique firearms. [SC ST SEC 16-23-270]
The provisions of this article shall not apply to antique firearms.

SC Code of Laws
Title 23 Law Enforcement and Public Safety
Chapter 31 Firearms

SECTION 23-31-350. Article not applicable to antique firearms.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to antique firearms.

Therefore :wacko: the laws do not prohibit BP revolvers. Keeping a loaded BP revolver loaded on top of the front seat would be equivalent to have a knocked bow in the front seat. Wonder what the LEOs would do around here?

Where is an inexpensive place to buy black powder revolvers?
I bought two from Cabelas years ago, they seem to have the best selection.

I own both a 1860 colt (still one of the best looking revolvers ever made) and a 1858 remington (both reproductions by some italian company..perellie or something like that)

both take 11mm caps.... not 10... they are fun to shoot but if trying to see if you hit your target you need a day with at least a slight wind.

I would use the l fiber wads over the balls and not greece or lard.

Oh, the reminigton you can exchange loaded cylinders, remember The Out Law Josey Wales?... but what ever you do don't keep a spare loaded cylinder with caps on it! leave the caps off until the cylinder is in the gun.

Cabelas has the Remington 1858 on sale right now for $190.oo
Okay, you got me.... I gess the commie indoctrination / brain washing is showing through..

Number 11 caps, not 11mm.

but you know that 1858 Remington is a big pistol!

by the way, there are at least two companies that sell replacement cylinders that take 45 long colts, they are pricey though.
Oh, the reminigton you can exchange loaded cylinders, remember The Out Law Josey Wales?... but what ever you do don't keep a spare loaded cylinder with caps on it! leave the caps off until the cylinder is in the gun.

The Out Law Josie Wales and Unforgiven i think are the best Eastwood movies.

I like the look of the back strapless model but from the Cabela's video looks to be a pain remove the cylinder compared to the 1858.

Got to really think about this!
Both movies were great but don't get fooled by movie hype... changing cylinders in the 1858 is not a snap... it is not much faster than actually loading 5 or 6 rounds in a single action.

the 1860 colt is just plan purty...

Link Removed
forgive my ignorance....

the 1851 uses a wedge to release the cylinde, half frame
the 1858 uses a cylinder pin to release the cylinder, full frame
the 1860 uses a wedge to release the cylinder, half frame

The half frames do look more attractive.
I'm far from an expert on these... the first thing to keep in mind is when looking at these pistols is that they were originally build and designed by different people... 2nd is that the manufacturing date does not mean a whole lot... the 1858 is a more advanced handgun than the 1860.... and such.

Oh and one other thing.... as long as you determine that either of these pistols is not a firearm per S.C. law then you might be fine with concealed carry.... but if you or a higher power decides that they are a firearm, neither can legally be carried concealed...they both measure in over 14" from barrel to butt. (exceeding the 12" rule)
1858 Remington

Here is my baby .44 cal

Mello.... Mine as well..... Nothing could ever top the day I stayed home from school and watched a Clint marathon headed off with "Outlaw Josey Wales".

Favorite quote has to be " Don't piss down my back and tell me its raining"

After movie I went out and bought a huge bag of Beef Jerkey and practiced spitting at my dog !!
Hmmm cant seem to upload a jpeg, unless it is hosted by a url . I hate that :no:

The1858 brass pistol I bought is an exact replica of the one he used in Pale Rider I don't know why i cant post a picture !!

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