Bicycle Carry...


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Anyone know if there are "off-body" conceal carry restrictions in Illinois? Biking season is rapidly approaching and I think I would l like to have a compact revolver/autoloader with me. I feel it would have to be in some sort of bag/pouch attached to the bike frame. I realize that if a bandit managed to get my bike away from me, he would have the firearm also...but do not see a good way to carry on my body. Ideas/thoughts anyone??
On a bicycle you have about 4 choices --

1 - shoulder holster under your windbreaker or sweatshirt;

2 - fanny pack (as was pointed out);

3 - IWB holster on its separate leather belt inside your bike shorts;

4 - cargo carrier on the back of your bike.
Legally, there are no off-body restrictions for CCL holders in Illinois. The CCL allows carry of a concealed handgun "on or about" the person, so whether in a saddle bag, shoulder holster, etc. a CCL holder is good to go.
On body carry

Anyone know if there are "off-body" conceal carry restrictions in Illinois? Biking season is rapidly approaching and I think I would l like to have a compact revolver/autoloader with me. I feel it would have to be in some sort of bag/pouch attached to the bike frame. I realize that if a bandit managed to get my bike away from me, he would have the firearm also...but do not see a good way to carry on my body. Ideas/thoughts anyone??
Check out I carry a Glock 43 and extra mag. I ride over 3000 miles a year. I wear normal cycling jerseys and shorts. The holster is made the sweat doesn't get to your gun and very little printing which I don't care if it prints anyway.
Just ordered one of these. Will wear an A-Shirt under it & a cover shirt over. Have to start therapy after hip replacement in a couple weeks. Thought it would serve the purpose. Walking, bike, etc.
I agree w the shoulder holster it stays on your body and has two level security holsters. I usually wear mine under something a jacket or even light button down type shirts (well I try for snaps instead of buttons)

missoak, I like the concept of that but I dislike anything soft enough you can poke through the side and pull the trigger. If you spend some time googling it you can see a lot of examples of accidential/negligent discharges that have occurred with nylon type holsters
Will be carrying either a Sig P238, or a Colt Mustang. Doubt I would have a ND with either of those.
Off body carry is legal in Illinois. However be careful where you bike as not all bike paths are permissable. Some could be gun free zones.

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