Whenever someone in my family is seen by the doctor and he prescribes antibiotics, pain pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, or hard pills we are saving them in anticipation of worse times ahead. We are using home remedies to cure what ever is wrong. My sister stepped on a rusty nail and lost her leg due to this recently, but we are not going to let a little thing like that detour Gods plan.
We have all cashed in our 401k\'s. Taken the tax penalt\'s and have converted it to gold which we have buried on our property along with a wooden box containing guns and ammo, and bibles.
Our pantry contains several cases of canned beans, spanish rice, bottled spring water. and pure grain alcohol.
Soon, the Kenyon in office will show his true colors and turn on the America we love.
We have all cashed in our 401k\'s. Taken the tax penalt\'s and have converted it to gold which we have buried on our property along with a wooden box containing guns and ammo, and bibles.
Our pantry contains several cases of canned beans, spanish rice, bottled spring water. and pure grain alcohol.
Soon, the Kenyon in office will show his true colors and turn on the America we love.