Best Conceal & Carry Revolver?


New member
Hello all. I'm a fan of the "wheel gun" and my permit is being processed. In the meantime, I am looking for advice on the best revolver for C & C. I have a Taurus 617, 7 shot, .357, 2" barrel but the gun has issues. The cylinder can be pulled completely off the frame and it needs to be shipped back to Taurus. This is the second Taurus with problems I have had so I'm looking to another make ( S & W, Ruger. etc ). Preferably hammerless as well....Thanks.
IMHO it would be one of the air weight S&W revolvers with out a hammer. Either in 38 special or if you want a little more punch the 357 mag. Thy are small, light weight and if necessary can even be shot from inside a coat because of the lack of a hammer.
Welcome to USA Carry Montana! Sorry to hear about the issues with the Taurus'. I lean towards S&W with revolvers, but that is just my opinion. I also like the colt cobra, but that has a hammer. I don't even think they make those any more, didn't bother to look. Ruger also makes some decent revolvers. Any reason why you are leaning towards a revolver over a semi-auto? Just curious. I like revolvers because I feel they are more reliable. I do love my SIG P220 though, so I can't really talk. Best of luck!
I still like the old Ruger security six. 6 shot 357mag w2 3/4" barrel. I like it so much, I tracked one down recently
and bought it. I had sold one some time ago and always regretted it.
I like the S&W J frames, or an Airlight K frame.
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My avatar is my choice. S&W 642. Its reliable, lightweight and the DAO trigger is safe for any type of carry. I often carry mine in a soft IWB holster with the clip removed in cavalry style. IWB behind the kidney with the grip pointing forward. The DAO trigger is difficult at first but with practice one can become quite accurate.
First of all, welcome to USA Carry, Montana250.

To answer your question, if money is not a factor, any Smith and Wesson j or K frame should work.

I have been a CCW holder since it started here in Ohio(2004), and like alot of us I've tried every conceivable gun and rig. finally settled on two S&W lightweight J-frames(one hammerless) which I carry IWB or on the stretch T-shirt depending on the weather.And of course when you carry lightweight guns its absolutely mandatory that you have CT laser grips so your first and maybe only shot will be dead on. The laser grips make up in accuracy what the lightwdight short barrel take away. Good luck:nhl_checking:
I have a Taurus 617, 7 shot, .357, 2" barrel but the gun has issues. The cylinder can be pulled completely off the frame and it needs to be shipped back to Taurus.
Sounds like you have lost the Yoke Retaining Pin Spring and pin that holds the Yoke in place. Here is a breakdown that shows what is missing. Link Removed If they are missing call Taurus and they will send you a spring and pin.
Welcome, Montana!

I own a Smith & Wesson M&P 340 CT revolver with a Crimson Trace laser grip and a Trijicon Tritium front sight. It has a scandium frame with a titanium cylinder, and it is very light. I use an IWB holster in the winter, and a Desantis pocket holster in the summer. In the warm weather I usually carry .38's, while in the winter I load it with .357 magnum for better heavy clothing penetration.

It is not bad with the .38's, but the .357's are brutal. Like NRA pointed out, I think that the crimson trace laser grips are almost mandatory. I know a guy with a 340, same model, with no CT. We both tried some fast draw exercises with both guns, and we both did consistently better with the CT grips. Long story short, he ended up buying the grips.

Here is the web link:

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Happy shooting!
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Excellent advice all. I think I'm gonna enjoy this site!

Red Hat, I think you may be exactly right. So I wont have to send the gun in? They will ship me the part no questions asked?

And Boomboy, thanks for that link. I love that particular gun. Would be exactly what I'm looking for.
Just give them a call and tell them what you need. They should cover it for free if not it shouldn't be more than a few dollars. Here is the warranty and contact info.

I also agree that any S&W J frame is great for CC. They are great for pocket carry too.


What Does This Warranty Cover?
This warranty covers any service and repair needed by any product
manufactured by Forjas Taurus SA. and imported by Taurus International
Manufacturing, Inc. or manufactured in the United States by Taurus
International Manufacturing, Inc.

How Long Does Coverage Last?
This warranty is of unlimited duration.

What Will We Do?
Taurus will service and/or repair all covered products free of charge.

What Does This Warranty Not Cover?
This warranty does not cover grips, sights, accessories or cosmetic defects
after one year, or damage caused by customer abuse at any time.
This express limited warranty is the only warranty on this product. This
product is sold “as is” and has no implied warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose.
There are no warranties which extend beyond the description on the face

How Do I Get Service?
To simplify repair and service Forjas Taurus and Taurus International products
are serviced and repaired by Taurus International. Questions regarding the
products of either company can be directed to Taurus International in Miami,
Florida at 1-305-624-1115 or in writing to:

16175 N.W. 49th Avenue
Miami, Florida 33014
in care of the Consumer Affairs Department.
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Welcome Montana250 and notsobigal. one more to recommend the S+W 642. 2000 plus rounds and not a problem I carry it mostly IWB with a tucker holster a Little bit of a wait but well worth it, I also carry it with a mika holster for the pocket. at only 15 oz it's a very easy ccw carry. probably the most popular sold revolver for ccw.
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first let me say welcome to the site, you will enjoy it. now to the matter at hand, for a carry revolver i would suggest the mateba auto revolver in a .454 casull. now whats cool is that the barrel actually aligns with the bottom cylinder instead of the top which means the force from the round goes down the arm as apposed to above it giving it a very low amount of muzzle rise. also Hell Boy carries a modified version of it so if its good enough for him than i think its good enough for me, or you.

I really like my smith and wesson 442 with the crimson trace lasergrip (pic in profile). Match that up with a high quality leather "gun wallet" and it should make you happy.
first let me say welcome to the site, you will enjoy it. now to the matter at hand, for a carry revolver i would suggest the mateba auto revolver in a .454 casull. now whats cool is that the barrel actually aligns with the bottom cylinder instead of the top which means the force from the round goes down the arm as apposed to above it giving it a very low amount of muzzle rise. also Hell Boy carries a modified version of it so if its good enough for him than i think its good enough for me, or you.


I bet you use a SmartCarry holster for this, too.
I can't help but sound like a moron with this question/response I guess.

A few years ago I bought my (now-ex)wife a nice-sized .32 S&W. When I saw the above post with the 442 in it it sort of rang a bell but looking at the picture of it I immediately recognized that the one I was thinking of had a hammer. It fit well in a jacket pocket and she loved the feel of it.

The 442 looked nice too and, of course the only reservation I had about the one I bought was that it had a hammer. She was happy with it though and that was more important.
Course then I find it after being frustrated and actually fishing through some searches with S&W .32 revolver as my search string......

S&W 431 .32 (Magnum) - Police Department Revolver, Small Size, 6 rounds

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first let me say welcome to the site, you will enjoy it. now to the matter at hand, for a carry revolver i would suggest the mateba auto revolver in a .454 casull. now whats cool is that the barrel actually aligns with the bottom cylinder instead of the top which means the force from the round goes down the arm as apposed to above it giving it a very low amount of muzzle rise. also Hell Boy carries a modified version of it so if its good enough for him than i think its good enough for me, or you.


Are you sure this shoots a big enough round?:biggrin:

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