Best 357 Sig defense ammo?


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Hey guys, I’m converting my G23 (40 S&W) to a G32 (357 Sig). I’m a huge fan of Hornady ammo, however their selection of 357 Sig ammo is barely moving faster than +P 9mm ammo. From the research I’ve done on 357 Sig, the round performa best self-defense wise the faster it is moving. I’ve tried doing the YouTube thing but most of the videos I’ve found are fairly old and I’m afraid the ammo’s data would be out of date. Anybody got any suggestions?
Hey guys, I’m converting my G23 (40 S&W) to a G32 (357 Sig). I’m a huge fan of Hornady ammo, however their selection of 357 Sig ammo is barely moving faster than +P 9mm ammo. From the research I’ve done on 357 Sig, the round performa best self-defense wise the faster it is moving. I’ve tried doing the YouTube thing but most of the videos I’ve found are fairly old and I’m afraid the ammo’s data would be out of date. Anybody got any suggestions?

I would recommend one of these:

Sig Sauer Elite V-Crown SPECS

Speer Gold Dot
Bullet Style JHP
Caliber 357 Sig
Grain Weight 125
Velocity 1350

Both Sig Sauer and Speer are well known for the performance of their ammunition. Both these rounds exceed the velocity and energy of a +P 9mm round. Speer Gold Dot has been the goto for many LEO over the years. Sig is new in the ammunition market, but their product performance, quality and reliability is on par the best ammunition offered by other manufacturers. I have standardized oN Sig Sauer V-Crown for my defensive ammo with a fall back to Speer if Sig does not produce the caliber.

If you need more velocity these rounds offer see Buffalo Bore which offers an 1425 fps 125 grain SIG 357 JHP.
I also use the 357 Sig but in a Sig P320 (full size). After quite a bit of research I went with "Doubletap" 357 Sig Bonded Defense JHP. It is a 125 GR rated at 1525 FPS from a 4 1/2" BBL. It is also "Low Flash" which I wanted because most incidents of self defense happen in low light and a large flash can blind you. I do also have a Glock 31 but I carry the Sig more often. That should give you more velocity than a 9mm +P+.
Noting what one reply gave, the Sig ammo is quite good too. I tried the Buffalo Bore but I had issues with the bullets coming loose and pushing back into the case. That was just carrying them and not shooting with them in the magazine. I had 3 out of two boxes.
I use Underwood with Hornady 124 Grain XTP's for a bullet. Underwood offers eight or nine choices.

I appreciate everyone’s responses. Was hoping I didn’t have to make an uninformed decision. Did some research on the Underwood ammo and after watching a ton of YouTube videos and reading reviews, I went with the Underwood ammo with 125gr Speer Gold Dot bullet. Stuff looks like it performs awesome.
I do buy expensive Underwood ammo, but as long as it is giving strong velocity I would take any JHP. Federal is funny they offer "Premium' ammunition but it does not pack the powder that some 'white box' ammunition does. I like the OP want SPEED first even if JHP. I am not impressed with my 10 MM American Eagle, but my 327 Federal 100 Grain is a bell ringer, makes little sense.
Sig ammo is a good choice. I've had mixed experiences with others. But, Sig has never disappointed. I am glad you came to a decision though! Hope it gives you a good experience!

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