Bersa Thunder 9


New member
Anybody own one & how do you like it?

I looked at them several times, but bought a Sigma 9VE and then moved up to a CZ-40. The feel and configuration of the Thunder felt good to me although I never fired it. The Bersa remains on my list though but probably in the .40 version with same frame and 17 rd. cap. I picked up the Thunder .380 as a BUG/hot-weather option. Different model and frame obviously, but it is well-machined and works just like it should.

I can't remember who it was but one magazine reviewer went out of his way to comment that even thought there is that old saying about "you get what you pay for", that it is also true that "every now and then an exception comes along." He said the Bersa was the exception and recommended picking them up before the company began raising the price.
Self correction

Oooops. When I typed the previous message I had looked on the website for Eagle Arms, Link Removed. It lists the Thunder .40 with a 17 round mag but after posting I looked some more and think that is a misprint on the site. The .40 hi-cap mags seem to be 13 round and the 9 is the 17. Wanted to correct myself before getting slapped around.
I CC with the Bersa 9

While I have not shot the bersa .40, I do own the bersa 9mm. Actually I conceal carry the Bersa Ultra Compact 9mm. Its a slightly shorter barrel and hand grip. Its about the same frame size as the bersa 380 but a bit wider. I bought this gun because I am in college and 300 dollars sounded right for a good handgun. I would say without question that it is the best 300 dollar handgun I have ever shot. Not to say I have not shot better guns, but in the 300 range for a 9mm, its my favorite. The grip is just a tad wide for my small hands, but comfortable enough that I fit it for shooting. The Bersa 9 UC comes with a 13 round 9mm mag that fits flush with the handle. The 17 round mags fro the full size model also fit this model and all my spare mags are the 17 round version. I fed alot of different rounds through it and I have yet to see a ftf problem that was not due to bad shooting. I tried to get it to ftf, just to see were it sits. It is not particular on the ammo whatsoever. Accuracy is fair for a 25-30 feet gun. Offhand at 25 yards I can still hit dead center. Any error is my own. GRRR. It is DA/SA which may take you time to get used to if your not. The DA pull is smooth but a tad longer than some. Its a lighter pull weight than many DA. Never measured it for sure, it feels lighter though. The break is clean, however. Personally I have heard many issues with the 380 model, but a rather low amount of issues with the 9, 40 or 45. The whole design is much more classic to autos in general. The safety is logical and works well. There is a safety key lock on the gun, I've never touched it. Don't need to. Expect general wear and problems if you treat this like its one of the more expensive bomb proof cousins. Clean it after you shoot and care for it and it will care for you. Recoil is felt more with this than many other 9mm I have shot, some has to do with the design other with my small hands to a larger grip. There is an adaptable weaver mount for the mount on the gun as it stands. I think thats about all I can think of. I trust it with my life with no problems. Ask away if you have more questions. I usually carry it in a smart carry or superslide depending on the level of concealment. It hides well on the body. Thats about all I can think about. The bersa 40 is an exact copy just scaled up for a larger caliber. I would assume from what I have heard that you just need to replace 40 with every place I have put 9mm except for round capacity.
Oh yes the magazines

Yeah, the magazines are the only downside with Bersa guns. I was fortunate to find the 17 rounds for about 35 dollars each from a gun shop. A note on the magazines. The promag versions of the bersa mag don't work real well I guess and ebay people tend to sell cheap ripoffs with the name stamped on for show. Always get them from the gunshop in the clear boxes with the Bersa logo or straight from the bersa guys online. sometimes has good deals on mags. Its a good carry gun though. Plus you have a life time warranty on it, so if anything goes crack, snap, or twing you can send her in for a checkup free. Colorado Gun Works out of Ft. Collins is probably the best if you have to ever send it in. Thats after your first 10000. :) also has a bunch of bersa lovers who can answer most questions. Nothing like a Berretta 92 though, I tossed a bunch of money into a pool to buy one of our pals one before he went off for service too. Would not have it any other way.
My personal favorite for all around usage is the Remington JHP 115 or 148 grain rounds. Its about 20 bucks for 100 rounds so thus the motivation. For defense I'll carry that or something with a bit more kick like a +P corbon 100 grain powrball round. The +P sits in the chamer the mag is full of standard rounds. The remington FMJ rounds feed well too,obviously. I've also used both FMJ and JHP from CCI Blazer. Its an Idaho company so I typically find good prices on the rounds. I've been known to carry +P once in a while. Hydroshock ammo works well too, although recoil gets a bit yippy and I get nervous abour hurting the frame. I don't pump too many +P rounds through the gun though, I dont want to put on undue wear. Around here the Remington rounds seem to be the most available and its a popular favorite with all the bersa guys too. But this gun seems to feed all the cheap mid range to more expensive brass. I've used the cheap russian stuff on an occasion when I forgot my own ammo. The stuff fed too, but I got the uncozy feeling that I would stove one in the barrel as the gun did not feel like it cycled as well. I've heard some problems from people using the white box ammo from Winchester in this particular model. I would guess they had a bad batch or something, but it is one brand I have not tried out of hesitation and rumors from other people. Other than that I've thrown everything I wanted to try and more through it without hesitation. Its fairly accurate with the remington for 25 foot ranges. I would not go long range with it as the short barrel and lower grade kick of the round causes some drop at 25 yards. For the bullseye and long distance, which I dont do often, I've had better accuracy luck long range with Federal and Corbon FMJ.
While I have not shot the bersa .40, I do own the bersa 9mm. Actually I conceal carry the Bersa Ultra Compact 9mm. Its a slightly shorter barrel and hand grip. Its about the same frame size as the bersa 380 but a bit wider. I bought this gun because I am in college and 300 dollars sounded right for a good handgun. I would say without question that it is the best 300 dollar handgun I have ever shot. Not to say I have not shot better guns, but in the 300 range for a 9mm, its my favorite. The grip is just a tad wide for my small hands, but comfortable enough that I fit it for shooting. The Bersa 9 UC comes with a 13 round 9mm mag that fits flush with the handle. The 17 round mags fro the full size model also fit this model and all my spare mags are the 17 round version. I fed alot of different rounds through it and I have yet to see a ftf problem that was not due to bad shooting. I tried to get it to ftf, just to see were it sits. It is not particular on the ammo whatsoever. Accuracy is fair for a 25-30 feet gun. Offhand at 25 yards I can still hit dead center. Any error is my own. GRRR. It is DA/SA which may take you time to get used to if your not. The DA pull is smooth but a tad longer than some. Its a lighter pull weight than many DA. Never measured it for sure, it feels lighter though. The break is clean, however. Personally I have heard many issues with the 380 model, but a rather low amount of issues with the 9, 40 or 45. The whole design is much more classic to autos in general. The safety is logical and works well. There is a safety key lock on the gun, I've never touched it. Don't need to. Expect general wear and problems if you treat this like its one of the more expensive bomb proof cousins. Clean it after you shoot and care for it and it will care for you. Recoil is felt more with this than many other 9mm I have shot, some has to do with the design other with my small hands to a larger grip. There is an adaptable weaver mount for the mount on the gun as it stands. I think thats about all I can think of. I trust it with my life with no problems. Ask away if you have more questions. I usually carry it in a smart carry or superslide depending on the level of concealment. It hides well on the body. Thats about all I can think about. The bersa 40 is an exact copy just scaled up for a larger caliber. I would assume from what I have heard that you just need to replace 40 with every place I have put 9mm except for round capacity.
I would have to agree with what you have said about the gun.I own the compact 40 cal version and a very good gun.I have had mine for five years now and not a problem to date.Has shot any ammo i have fed it without failure and is a gun i trust 100%.

I also have the Bersa 9UC. Never has failed in any area. For your holster, might I suggest Nate custom makes holsters for many guns and is a standing member of Great guy and his holsters will stop you from filling up a drawer with other holsters that seemed good at first, but later just collect dust.
Crimson Trace

I don't guess they make a Crimson Trace for the Bersa 9, do they? I know they make 'em for the 380.

I was going to buy a Bersa 9 for my wife's anniversary present (God, I love that woman!) but she's a laser addict.
Another Loyal Bersa Fan.....

My first pistol was a Taurus PT111 9mm, (3rd generation). My second pistol was the Bersa Thunder UC (ultra compact) 9mm. I like the Taurus a lot....but man, I LOVE the Bersa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not exactly an "ultra compact" concealed carry, but my favorite handgun of them all. Solid, compact, Ultra-dependable and reliable( NEVER ONE PROBLEM!), inexpensive, a joy to fire and handle, with all the sexiness of a Browning Hi-Power, or Sig! I would not hesitate one single moment in recommending this gun to anyone, first-timer or expert alike. The Full size version is also awesome, but I like this compact one....with molded in finger grooves and easy access controls, your hand just eases around it like a favorite pair of worn-in leather gloves. Easy to fire accurately, and double-taps are second nature. Forgive me.......Bersa's are like Subaru's, once you experience one, they're addictive!! Tim
Bersa 9

For the money probably best 9mm I have ever fired. Nice solid feel.. all steel contruction. Very accurate and great carry size with moderate punch.
I just bought the Thunder .380 for summer carry. For the price and reliability you simply cannot beat the "Thunders".

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