bersa thunder 45


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my son-in-law just got a new bersa thunder 45. he was wondering where to get a holster, what style. i like galco but i know there are alot more options for him to choose from. hope somrone can help he will be out of the service soon. THANKS;)
Can't help you with the holster, but I'm anxious to hear about a range report. I've been hawking the Bersa's for a while. I've handled the .45 at a gun show, but don't know anyone that's sent a round down range. Got any pictures?
I don't think I can be much help either. I did a search and about all I could find were the Galco ones. I am sure they are good holsters though. You might also look at the Bianchi. I have a Bianchi 100 for my Ruger p345. It doesn't show it to fit but it fits well. Not an excellent holster, but nice for the price. Good luck.
Can't help you with the holster, but I'm anxious to hear about a range report. I've been hawking the Bersa's for a while. I've handled the .45 at a gun show, but don't know anyone that's sent a round down range. Got any pictures?

i'm trying to put a picture here if it doesn't work i'll try again
double stack 7+1 it looks nice, i'll give it a test when he gets in, in the meantime i'll let you know what he thinks of it when he tests it.
I have a Bersa 380 and just ordered another holster from cheaper than dirt web site. Many are inexpensive and brand names. Take a look for your gun.
For about ..

3 years now, I've carried a matte finished T45UC on a pretty much every day basis...

I don't shoot it all that much, but just last week...

I noticed that after a lot of carry through our 'Winter' season down here, under flannels mostly untucked, in a kydex IWB holster, the poor little thing was growing dust bunnies, and was overall very much in need of a good cleaning...

But before I did, I decided to burn the rounds that were in it, just to see how it worked in this condition... So I stepped out into my 'backyard', and up to the bank of a channel that flows between the 2 lakes that my property has access to, and fired the first mag, DA first pull, then as fast as I could banged out the rest SA into the water at the edge of the channel.... Then put the 2nd mag into it, released the slide, and repeated the second mag that I carry as a backup.

No FT anythings! After this 'test' I stripped it, and between the air compressor in my garage, and some good cleaning agents, put it back to 'ready for inspection' condition, cleaned and reloaded both mags, and back in the holster...

I would never recomend one of these for a 'range gun', to just put holes in paper...for the fact that have have a short barrel, pretty serious snappy recoil, and a steel top on a plastic bottom, over use is going to cause wear and tear... But if you're looking for a good, concealable, affordable, and very reliable big bore DA/SA auto for personal protection, I would HIGHLY recommend one to anyone...

Best of luck with yours,

Bersa Thunder 45 holsters

I "traded" for one of these some time back, and am quite impressed by the quality, and accuracy, for the price (or otherwise). I've used a Black Hills Leather IWB holster, similar to Ayoob rear guard style. Beautifull work, excellent retention without a strap (although I do prefer one). Boning is close enough that this needs to be broken in.

Take care.
Good Morning I have the Bersa Thunder 45 uc and the thunder 9 uc I found a SOB holster the other day Made by Tagua for the glocks 26-27-and 33 to fit the Ultras very well and are quite comfortable to boot to. Ihave run around 500 rounds through both of the compacts to be pleasently surprised on both guns the are both very accurate and reliable.
my son-in-law just got a new bersa thunder 45. he was wondering where to get a holster, what style. i like galco but i know there are alot more options for him to choose from. hope somrone can help he will be out of the service soon. THANKS;)

I found a holster made By Tagua for the Glocks 26,27,and 33 SOB Holster to fit the thunder 45 UC and the thunder 9UC very well and it is quite comfortable if you like this style of holsters. As for the range I have both Guns and have fired around 500 rounds through each of them, Both UC's are very accurate and neither of them has shown to have any types of problems no jams no FTF's. Excellant choices for the concealed Carry.
Bersa Thunder 45

Look at the Fist web site,they make good holsters in leather,kydex and a combo of both.
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