Beretta Cheetah 380


New member
Anyone own one of these and what are some of the things you like/dislike about it? I normally shoot a Browning Hi Point in the 9mm and love it. A Cheetah caught my eye the other day it has the wood grips. What prices are you seeing on these handguns? It was new in the box at a dealers. Thanks.
The only Beretta I have ever handled is the 92. I would be confident that anything Beretta made would be a solid weapon.
I have a Barretta 380, I love the piece, for reliability and conceal-ability... No way a primary weapon ...
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I own a Browning BDA which is basically the same weapon. The differences are a slide mounted safety and a full slide as opposed to the Cheetah's exposed barrel. Mine has been very reliable and a joy to shoot. With 13+1 capacity I have no problem carrying mine as a primary.
excellent piece to carry for backup... excellent reliability and has good safety mechanism, along with that its ambidextrous safety.
The Beretta 84 "Cheeta", is very similar In operation and appearence to the Beretta 92FS. If you like the 380ACP, then it's a good fcaliber or you. The recoil is manageable, the weapon grips are similar in width to the 92, as it is a double stack. For me the grip fits my hand nicely. You can concealed carry with it if you are aware of the width and dress accordingly, light and tight clothes won't work.

It is accurate and a dream to shoot. I did my CHL range qualification with mine. No problems.