Beaver Dam Teacher Poses with Gun on Facebook


Staff member
A Beaver Dam Middle School teacher is on administrative leave after school officials discovered a photo of her with a gun on Facebook.

In the photo, Betsy Ramsdale was training a rifle at the camera.
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In an e-mail to WKOW-TV in Madison, Ramsdale said she removed the photo immediately and that she is not "interested in any controversy."

Schools superintendent Donald Childs says a concerned staff member brought the photo to the district's attention.

Childs says the use of the photo "appears to be poor judgment" and is unaware of any sinister intent.

Ramsdale's biography on the district Web site states she is in her first year at the school. Department of Public Instruction records show Ramsdale has been licensed to teach since 1996.

Source: MSNBC
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Isn't it amazing, someone utilizing their 1st Amendment rights to show they are utilizing their 2nd Amendment rights gets suspended from working in a school. The left/Dem's in action and just a small sample of what we are going to see from this new Administration.
Teacher placed on leave for questionable Facebook posting with a gun

Teacher placed on leave for questionable Facebook posting

Posted: Feb 3, 2009 03:36 PM

BEAVER DAM (WKOW) -- Beaver Dam school officials placed a middle school teacher on administrative leave after discovering a photograph of the teacher with a gun on the teacher's Facebook page.

In the photo, teacher Betsy Ramsdale is training a rifle at the camera.

Ramsdale emailed 27 News in response to our inquiries saying she "removed the photo immediately" and that she is not "interested in any controversy." Ramsdale did not comment on her motivation for posting the photo.

Schools superintendent Donald Childs told 27 News he is unaware of any sinister intent on the teacher's part and said the use of the photo "appears to be poor judgment."

Childs said the Facebook photo was brought to the attention of school district officials by a concerned staff member at Beaver Dam Middle School.

Ramsdale's biography on the school district website states she is in her first year of teaching at the middle school. Department of Public Instruction records show Ramsdale has been licensed to teach since 1996.

Middle school parent Jennifer Buzzell said the teacher's decision to post the photograph was concerning.

"I don't think it's appropriate," Buzzell told 27 News. "I'm not sure why this would be on the computer at all."

"I don't see anything wrong with it," school parent Mark Hagstrom said. "She's on her time to do what she wants."

School parent Chad Van Loo said the photograph sends the wrong message.

"With the way things are going these days, with the kids bringing guns to school and bomb threats, (photograph) is something to be concerned about."

Ramsdale's union representation is through the Beaver Dam Education Association. Association president Janet Schumaker has yet to return a call from 27 News.
At the same time that she gets punished for posting on Facebook, a CT legislator has presented a bill protecting students who post comments about their teachers or schools, as long as the postings aren't done with school equipment and are not threatening. Go figure.
Apparently, 52% of Americans either don't have it, or put it aside in their search for power or wealth.
Clearly the poor judgement was the superintendent trying to limit the 1st Amendment Rights of presenting 2nd Amendment Rights.

Agreed. I don't believe I'd have pulled the picture. It would have made a perfect segue into firearm education. Too bad there was a knee jerk reaction by a jerk of a superintendent.
What do you expect from a state that elects cheeseheads into office? The current big cheese, Governor Doyle, has vetoed shall issue CCW and will continue to do so until it gets overridden or he's out of office.
It's just a matter of time before someone from that state challenges the law all the way to the Supreme Court as did Heller.

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