Bad idea


God Bless Our Troops!!!
In another post several members of the forum were discussing keeping a pistol under the pillow or on the nightstand.

1. Under the pillow is a BAD IDEA.
I used to work with a guy who while he lived in Fairbanks Alaska managed to shoot himself in the head with a pistol he kept under the pillow. It was a grazing shot...but the angle of deflection was enough that it crushed his skull like a grape. It took a team of surgeons over 6 1/2 hours to put his melon back together and the dude looks like a jigsaw puzzle. This also needs to be brought to light...He is no longer "right in the head". His cheese has slid clean of the cracker so to speak. Working with him on aircraft was one of the most terrifying aspect of dealing with him. I would have to look and re-look his work because I did not trust him or his judgment.

2. I can understand keeping a pistol on the nightstand, just don't keep it near the phone.There is no sense in answering a ringing .45 ACP. I keep mine in the nightstand to provide physical and spacial seperation between the gun and the phone.
I can't believe that there are people who actually think it's okay to keep a gun under the pillow. Dumb, dumb, dumb! I keep my Glock on the nightstand (no round chambered) and a 12 gauge Mossberg 500 under the bed.
I agree under the pillow is not a good idea. Mine is on the night stand but there is no phone on the stand. Also it has night sites so I have no problem seeing what I am picking up.
It all depends where the rest of the bed is. Nights on cots required gun under pillow with one in chamber and sleep with one eye open. At home the gun stays under the mattress.:shout:
Mine's in the nightstand drawer and hot. I have a little led light mounted inside the drawer, with a magnetic switch that turns the light on inside the drawer when I open it. Though I keep nothing else in the drawer, I still find a little light helpful.
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I keep mine on the nightstand, ready for use, with the safety on. The phone and the alarm clock are on the far side of the room. I was once told (probably by someone who hates firearms but I really don't remember) to keep my pistols in the closet, cold and locked. Now, how on earth would that help me in the dark of the night, or even in the bright of day? Am I supposed to shush the bad guy/bad gal, tell him/her to wait a minute, then run for the closet? That's absurd! I think not!
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I keep mine on the nightstand, ready for use, with the safety on. The phone and the alarm clock are on the far side of the room. I was once told (probably by someone who hates firearms but I really don't remember) to keep my pistols in the closet, cold and locked. Now, how on earth would that help me in the dark of the night, or even in the bright of day? Am I supposed to shush the bad guy/bad gal, tell him/her to wait a minute, then run for the closet? That's absurd! I think not!

My wife and I knew a young lady years ago that keep a hand gun for protection. She keep the hand gun in her bed room locked in a dresser. The shells for it she kept locked in another dresser on the other side of the bed room. I think she was afraid if she did not keep them separate and locked the gun would load itself and shoot her.
Recently we have had a rash of buglars in our town coming into homes not waking the victims up and taking
whatever is lying around. I have decide to keep my revolver within arms reach in the top drawer of my dresser.
It is loaded and ready to pull the trigger.
I keep mine loaded with the safety on on the night stand. I've even seen in movies how some people keep a pistol under their pillow.. never thought it was a very good or safe idea.
The proper place for your gun when you sleep is on it's own pillow, not under yours. Didn't anyone see the sitcom "Sledge Hammer"???? :haha:

I disagree

I've been sleeping with my firearm under my pillow for 18+years. A Baptist Deacon recommended this to me. He said the hammer can be pulled back without the intruder hearing it. As for the nightstand, the thought of being awoken and fumbling for my firearm and knocking it on the floor doesn't cut it. Now, if you are a violent sleeper a firearm within reach at all is not a good idea. :lazy2: Just my 2¢. Sleep safely y'all!
I've been sleeping with my firearm under my pillow for 18+years. A Baptist Deacon recommended this to me. He said the hammer can be pulled back without the intruder hearing it. As for the nightstand, the thought of being awoken and fumbling for my firearm and knocking it on the floor doesn't cut it. Now, if you are a violent sleeper a firearm within reach at all is not a good idea. :lazy2: Just my 2¢. Sleep safely y'all!

I am a Baptist and for spiritual advice I would go to a Baptist preacher. Don't think that I would take this advice on guns though. I would have no problem with the sound from cocking a hammer because I do not have a hammer to cock on my DBL action only HK. The only sound will be when my gun goes bang. I do not see why that would be an issue on any firearm other than perhaps a single action auto or single action revolver. Neither one of those are part of my defence because asleep or awake I do not want a gun with a hammer I have to cock before it is ready to use.
Mine stays on the bedstand, one in the tube and the safety on. Don't need to let the BG know exactly where I am and what I am doing by racking the slide.
That, and I snore sometimes and don't need a sleepless Mrs. Noids quieting me ballisticly!
Personally, I prefer to keep my home-defense handgun in the fridge with the beer. In case of burglary or home invasion, I'll offer the perp a beer and while he's popping the cap I am doing the same.

Pillows, shmillows.
I keep mine between me and the wall, near my leg, several inches away from my fingers but within reach if I need it. I sleep on my back, and in the morning both I and it are always exactly in the same spot that we were when we went to sleep.
Mine stays on the bedstand, one in the tube and the safety on. Don't need to let the BG know exactly where I am and what I am doing by racking the slide.
That, and I snore sometimes and don't need a sleepless Mrs. Noids quieting me ballisticly!

I disagree. I don't keep on in the chamber on my 12 gauge pump shotgun that I keep under the bed because the deterrent effect of a round being chambered will be enough to stop most BGs in their tracks.