Back From FL.


USA Carry Supporter
Yes, I'm back from FL. Read my (Flying Out To FL.) other thread of the painless episode for checking in a firearm at the airports. Anyway, I went to a gun shop there in Daytona, bought a box of 9mm/50 for $25....ouch! Went to a local Outdoor range. Upon walking in, there were signs everywhere before walking into the building itself. I thought I read them all....NOT. Everyone was firing having fun. I approached the Range officer and stayed behind the yellow line and told him I was not from FL. and new to this range, what do I need to do. He told me to go back and read the signs. There were more signs in the designated area once you got through the building. One of the line items said no loaded weapons. So, I went back to him and asked him about this, "does this mean no loaded weapons right here or out at the firing line" (you know, where they have the other yellow line once you cease firing)? He said right here. Your weapon must be in the case. Now he ask's me, "where is your weapon"? I told him I had it on me concealed in a holster/loaded. Told me to turn around and go back outside to the parking lot and reread the signs. Well, I went out to the lot and saw the one part of the rules I missed.....NO LOADED WEAPONS ALLOWED BEYONG THIS POINT". Ooop's, guess I missed that one. Now here I am with no gun case or car (my wife took it with the Rugrats). I saw an outhouse and proceeded over to it. Went inside and unloaded the weapon and magazines and put them in my pocket. Went back to the range officer and told him I was all set. He asked me if I was from MA., which I replied, no, NH. He smiled and said, same thing. After he annouced a cease fire I proceeded to the end where there was an empty booth and there I asked another officer if it was taken. He told me no, you can just put your case right here ontop. Told him I didn't have a case. He now ask's me where is your gun. Told him it was on me unloaded. Told me to take it out and pull the slide back which I did for him. Asked me to hand it to him which I did, then he slams it down on the counter top and says to me, "this is how I want to see your firearm next time on a cease fire". In the end, I shot all 50 rounds from the box which took maybe 15 minutes but the entire episode took 1 hour. After the 50 were gone I grabbed my things and headed for the outhouse....loaded my magazine, loaded my gun and concealed it then left the premises. Hey, I still had a good time. My shooting sucked, because it was a new gun and I was trying to get used to it. I should have bought alot more ammo (I know). Now I know for next time....................
Welcome to Florida. One of the states with the most gun friendly laws and the most unfriendly gun ranges.

Your experience was not uncommon.
Welcome to Florida. One of the states with the most gun friendly laws and the most unfriendly gun ranges.

Your experience was not uncommon.

A lot of the gun stores are just as un friendly as the ranges. These folks need to understand that you can catch a lot more flies with honey then with vinagar.:pleasantry::pleasantry:
I guess I didn't really show a "good" impression right off the bat. It's kind of hard to explain the set up at their range on here. I guess I was thinking about one of the ranges here in NH where You can walk into an Outside shooting range with a loaded HOLSTERED weapon. Of course You do not go onto the firing line (where everyone has their station) with a loaded weapon. So, I read the signs on the way in but not all of this case. I really do not think the Range (officer?) was being a jerk. He was concentrating on the shooting that was already in progress from the stand. I DO think there should have been someone else there with Him to take in Customers (if that's what We are called); answer questions, etc. I told him I was not from the area and have never been at this range. When I questioned Him about one of the rules, and He saw that I did in fact have a loaded HOLSTERED (concealed) weapon, I think he now had to address it. At that point, He did pay more attention to My questions and concerns. The ceace fire came and He turned around to ackowledge me this time. I learned from EVERYTHING when visiting other ranges. I'm sure some of you already know this, but for the rest of us who do not. Of course safety is their concern and it's all about having a good time!
(Oh, and don't forget to bring your weapon in a case...duuuhhhhhh)
...then he slams it down on the counter top and says . . .

If this is an accurate depiction of what happened, I have to applaud you for your control. I would have probably told him to take it easy with another person's [expensive!] property, thanks for the "hospitality", and shove your range up your a$$!! If that's how the Florida gun community treats visitors, I'll be taking my business elsewhere. Lotta damned nerve!!
If this is an accurate depiction of what happened, I have to applaud you for your control. I would have probably told him to take it easy with another person's [expensive!] property, thanks for the "hospitality", and shove your range up your a$$!! If that's how the Florida gun community treats visitors, I'll be taking my business elsewhere. Lotta damned nerve!!

+1 on that. I could understand the range officers actions if you had been waving the weapon around. However, as I understand your post, you had the weapon holstered and asked the range officer how to proceed at every turn. I see no possible explanation for his action in taking the pistol and "slaming" it down on the counter top.

I also commend you on your self control. Ektarr states he would have told him to "shove your range up your a$$!!" I think you would have been justified in shoving your foot up his a$$!!
It was not a slam down as if it left an impression on the counter nor was it gentle either. More like the Range officer was showing his power I guess. He probably had Customers like me all the time not knowing what to do. Yeh, He was not in the right for the way he handled My firearm also still being a dink about it.

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