Baby Eagle .45

ji long

New member
i was looking for a reasonably priced .45 and came across the baby eagle .45. i as just wondering if anybody here has experience with this gun. any and all comments appreciated.
I have no experience with them. I do know there are several people on here that have them and I believe they are all pleased.
The Baby Eagle is a great gun in any caliber

The baby eagle is based on the CZ75. The CZ75 is one of two hand guns Col Cooper would allow to be in the same room as him.

The Baby Eagle Variant is made in Israel by people who understand what combat handguns and killing badguys are all about. I have shot the 9mm, 40 S&W, and 45ACP. I personally own the .40S&W Baby Eagle due to the compromise of speed power and capacity.

The Baby eagle was originally called the Jericho 941. It was offered in 9mm and .41AE. As far as durability is concerned you can run over it with a truck and still function the weapon.

In Summation...GET IT!
thanks for the quick responses. i put it on lay-a-way last night after work, ill be bringing her home next week. it was between the baby eagle and the cz97 but i liked the overall look and ergonomics of the beagle better.
My better half has a 9mm semi-compact steel frame and loves it. Great accuracy, easy to take down and clean, looks like a serious weapon, total reliability.
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Please join the desert eagle owners support group

thanks for the quick responses. i put it on lay-a-way last night after work, ill be bringing her home next week. it was between the baby eagle and the cz97 but i liked the overall look and ergonomics of the beagle better.

We need more members !
anyone else ever shot one of these.

Hey JL. I myself have a .45 Desert Eagle, here's the things I have learned about the gun so far. I Have only had it for a couple of months and only put around 500 rounds through it. I will tell you this, I have read of some people not having a single problem of them and some people having feed problems. Myself, I have experienced that. Word of advice if this happens to you, do not give up on it and let it get broke in. I have seen significant improvements the more that I have shot it, plus whereas I have read about some people not having problems from some ammo such as Fiocchi, my gun does not feed it that well and seems to favor Winchester. I have put about 5 or 6 types of ammo through it now and have the best results from this so if you encounter any problems, try different kinds of ammo out, what works for one may not work for another. Hopefully you have had no problems with it and I wish you pure enjoyment. Despite the minute problems I have encountered so far, I love the gun, it's a pleasure to shoot and I find it to be very comfortable to shoot even though I am a female with small hands and it's very accurate and I can pretty much make a safe bet that I can come back here after putting another 500 rounds through it and say all is well, no problems. I really can't knock the gun. One last thing, it's a little difficult to find accesories for this gun. You really can't find them in your local gun stores and I've noticed the .45 is especially difficult to find accesories for. From my understanding that is due to the low quantity of the .45's that were produced, but you can find stuff you need online like mag loaders and extra magazines and they are reasonably priced.
i picked up my baby eagle .45 last week. i have not had a chance to shoot it yet (i should be going to the range this weekend) but it is actually more comfortable to carry than my walther p99, the walther weighs about half as much but the baby eagle is thinner and i like the weight of steel guns.
patty5377 i had heard of some people having feeding problems as well but like you said some people claim to have fired over 5000 rounds with no problem. from what i have read if the gun is not chambering ronds all the way it seems that new wolff recoil springs have fixed that problem. if the gun is not ejecting cartridges then the extractor still has grease on it from shipping or it needed to be filed down which magnum research should fix for free if it is still in warranty. though i ahve not fired it yet i have cycled a full mag of remington golden sabers(Hollow Points) and some remington ball ammo with no problems at all, the rounds chambered and ejected perfectly everytime i only hope it works this well when i am actually firing the rounds.
i picked up my baby eagle .45 last week. i have not had a chance to shoot it yet (i should be going to the range this weekend) but it is actually more comfortable to carry than my walther p99, the walther weighs about half as much but the baby eagle is thinner and i like the weight of steel guns.

Congrats on your new purchase. Let us know how you like it.
well to add my 2 cents.. I own a .40 full size baby eagle and absolutely love it! the feel of it is the most comfortable I have held in my hand.. the trigger is the best trigger I have felt. it is accurate.. easy to carry. talking about it makes me want to buy another one...
I joined this forum just to reply to this thread. I bought myself a .45 Baby Eagle for Christmas and have had a similar experience to what Patty5377 described. I put a 100-rd box of Winchester FMJs through it with absolutely no problems, then fired a 50-rd box of Remingtons a few weeks later and had two fail to feed all the way into the chamber. The slide would stay open about 1/4 inch. It also had trouble feeding Hornady TAPs in the same manner, but when the Hornadys jammed, it would get stuck. It took about all my strength to retract the slide and remove the cartridge.

I suppose I should just keep firing bullets I know the gun likes until it's broken in, but I'm also considering getting the ramp and chamber polished. Any thoughts from people with infinitely more firearm experience? If nothing else I'll have to find some "protection" loads that the Baby Eagle agrees with.
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I have a baby eagle in .40S&W

It took 400 rnds to properly break it in. It is now smooth as butter. I polished the feed ramp with jewelers rouge on a felt pad with a dremel tool. It eats everything. Good shooting and put some more WWB through her to get her going. She is just a tad tight right now.
I have no experience with them. I do know there are several people on here that have them and I believe they are all pleased.

I am one of those people. I LOVE MY BABY!:flirt:
By far the absolute best gun I have EVER owned. ZERO COMPLAINTS.

There is a Desert Eagle Thread here on USAC... do a search.
so i finally fired my baby. this gun feels great smooth recoil and great accuracy. i love this gun but i too had the problem so often described about this gun, the slide does not return to battery by about .25 inch. i fired 150 rounds through her and this happened about 5 times. i am not giving up on this gun. I think this gun just needs to be broken in more than most because the slide to frame fit is much tighter than any other gun I have fired. Also the mag i took to the range with me was binding when i loaded more than 7 rounds. I took apart the mag and cleaned the crap out of it and it seems to be working with 10 rounds now. Also i oil the slide rails every other day because the metal soaks it right up, i think after plenty of oil and use this will be my new favorite gun.
My .45 BE seems to be behaving better. Last time I took it to the range, I put 2 more 50-rd boxes of Remington FMJ RN through it. Halfway through my first magazine it stovepiped a live round (possibly a result of limp-wristing?), but after that I had no problems and didn't see any more failures to feed all the way like before.

It seems like it's just getting broken in. When I have fired a few hundred more rounds without any issues, I'll feel comfortable using this gun for defense. I also picked up some Golden Sabers, on the advice of the local gun store. Like Ji Long, I cycled them through with no problems, but I still want to make sure they will feed properly when firing.
i was looking for a reasonably priced .45 and came across the baby eagle .45. i as just wondering if anybody here has experience with this gun. any and all comments appreciated.

I have shot only one Baby Eagle and it was a 9mm. I was not impressed, but it was new and I'm sure after a few hunderd rounds it would be a lot better. For an inexpensive small 45 I would highly recommend a Taurus PT-145.
Very compact. comfortable to shoot, light weight, accurate, holds ten rounds, has a smooth and unique trigger, easy to strip and service, and costs under $400.00. Don't get much better than that even at much higher prices.