Attention Bikers


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Hey Bros!!

I am sure that most of you have already heard of this if you are a biker, but in case you haven't its called BAM. And this is what it does for ya:

You need a free BAM Card and the protection it offers. Join 800,000 other riders and receive:

* Emergency Roadside Motorcycle Service
* Nationwide Legal Service Network
* 24 Hour Toll Free Motorcyclist Hotline
* Emergency I.D. Card
* Motorcycle Storage
* Blood Donations
* Hospital Visitation

BAM is a unique organization of bikers helping bikers. Russ started BAM over 20 years ago to provide assistance to motorcyclists across the country. BAM's nationwide volunteer network of over 800,000 motorcyclists can help you in an emergency. If you experience a breakdown or mechanical problems while on the road, call 1-800-4-BIKERS (1-800-424-5377), and we will computer search our volunteer network and send someone out to help.

BAM also provides legal services to members. Our nationwide legal network of over four hundred biker-friendly attorneys is ready to help you if you are involved in an accident.

BAM's emergency ID card can speak for you if you are incapacitated in an accident. We list your emergency contact person, medical problems, and blood type. When emergency personnel call, we will supply this information and provide donors if necessary.

BAM membership is FREE! All we ask is that you volunteer to help another member in need of assistance if called upon.

So, take a moment of your time and complete our online registration form, or come visit our booth at our next event. We welcome you to join our nationwide family of BAM member

Its free and there is nothing but good coming from helping other Bros (and being helped)!!

Here is the link:

Join BAM
Austin, Thanks for the valuable info. Wife and I both ride(we each have our own bike) We will get right on this. Thanks again,Jeff
I signed up for this at "Thunder Over Texas" a couple of years ago. Haven't had to use it yet, but it could come in handy.

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