Attachments & Pictures


Staff member
You can now attach pictures to your posts. This feature didn't work but h2ojunkie offered to help and got it working. When you are posting, just look for the Manage Attachment button. Let me know if you have any problems!
I don't get it... I found the "Manage Attachments" thingy which allowed me to 'upload' a coupl'a pictures from my computer. Now that they're there, how do I find them and how do I get them into my Post? Sorry to be such a dweeb!
After you upload it, close that popup window and you should see it listed under Attach Files under Additional Options. Then just submit the post.
After you upload it, close that popup window and you should see it listed under Attach Files under Additional Options. Then just submit the post.

But if the file is too big, and you get a little 'trigger happy' with closing the window, you might not know what's going on with it....make sure the file is less than 19.5KB.