Pardon my ignorance, but...
What's an asp?
As someone who has had training with the ASP expandable baton, and carried one for quite a while, I do not see why one would want to carry the baton. It is a specialized tool, that most civilians would never have a need for in thier normal lives. I carried one for several years and never used it except for one instance to keep a large snapping guard dog at a distance. It is not easy to conceal and usually just a step up on the use of force scale from empty hands. Not good against someone with clubs, knives, or guns.
Just my opinion.
I carry a cane most of the time because of a recurring problem. Coincidentally, my cane bears a strong resemblence to the 34" riot baton I trained with in the Phillipines, except for a club-like head for better grip and support. Oh, unlike the Asp, the cane goes on the plane with me.
I carry a cane most of the time because of a recurring problem. Coincidentally, my cane bears a strong resemblence to the 34" riot baton I trained with in the Phillipines, except for a club-like head for better grip and support. Oh, unlike the Asp, the cane goes on the plane with me.
can you carry an asp in indiana? is there training. does you permit cover it, if so website link
Magisdttrate,I enjoy your posts as you are real andw ell-spoken. In Arizona, the police consider a civilian with a baton or using any item as a baton to be in possession of a deadly weapon. They feel only police should have batons. When I was a reserve, I carried a side handle baton and nothing was said. As soon as I got on the payroll, I was limited to a straight baton until six months later when the department got us trained in the side handle. I don't know what Washington's laws are, but I do know I cannot carry my sword cane in Washington, as the card is a Concealed Pistol License. Arizona has a concealed Weapon Permit that doesn't hav ethe word firearm anywhere on it, and my CCW instructor said the CCW permit covered the sword cane as I am disable and need a cane to walk. I would prefer to use a sword cane than a pistol, but I gotta play by Washington's rules.