asp ok?


New member
can you carry an asp in indiana? is there training. does you permit cover it, if so website link

As someone who has had training with the ASP expandable baton, and carried one for quite a while, I do not see why one would want to carry the baton. It is a specialized tool, that most civilians would never have a need for in thier normal lives. I carried one for several years and never used it except for one instance to keep a large snapping guard dog at a distance. It is not easy to conceal and usually just a step up on the use of force scale from empty hands. Not good against someone with clubs, knives, or guns.
Just my opinion.
As someone who has had training with the ASP expandable baton, and carried one for quite a while, I do not see why one would want to carry the baton. It is a specialized tool, that most civilians would never have a need for in thier normal lives. I carried one for several years and never used it except for one instance to keep a large snapping guard dog at a distance. It is not easy to conceal and usually just a step up on the use of force scale from empty hands. Not good against someone with clubs, knives, or guns.
Just my opinion.

How many years on the job?? Only used one time? Well now a days the cops have the taser they like to shoot people with. But the baton is a vary nice tool to have for many reasons. Not every encounter calls for deadly force but you still need to defend your self. If your a small guy and a bigger guy try's to assault you a few hits with it and they are done. Again get training in it, vary cheap and well worth the money. Idk if cops still call them this or not but back in the day they called them the N beater.
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Carried a firearm for over 30 years and never had to draw it once, carried a ASP for about 10 years and never hit anyone with it, carried pepper mace and have used it a few times. Pepper mace works great but always seem to get some blowback which burns like hell. Never tried a taser, but would like to see how it works. No one option is good for every situation.
Just my opinion.
I have one, 26in. with holster. Don't carry it as most of the deputies in my squad have opted for the taser in place of OC spray and the baton;

1. It is more effective in taking the fight out of a suspect.
2. lightens the load on duty belts by getting rid of the baton and OC spray.
3. OC spray sometimes gets blown back into the officers face.
4. More legal troubles when using OC spray and or the baton.

Here in Alabama you have to be certified through APOST (Alabama Peace Officers Standards and Training) in order to carry either the ASP impact weapon, Taser, or OC spray.
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Nothing I can find in the IC

Since there's nothing in the IC prohibiting it that I can find, it's legal but not under the authority of your IN LTC. Also keep in mind that defense sprays, martial arts weapons (expandable batons often fall into that legal classification) and electrical devices (i.e. stun guns and tasers) do not fall under State preemption laws except in States where your CCW applies to all weapons, not firearms. So be careful when carrying expandable batons, they are often classified as martial arts weapons which are illegal to possess in most States.

Only a minority of the States have a true weapon endorsement, license or permit; FL and MO being two prime examples where your CCW is really a CCW and not a CCF.
Well NH is a state you can do what ever you would like. So ASP baton is ok to carry only thing you cant have is throwing knifes. Get Some training in it at a DOJO vary cheap and vary helpful. There are a lot of books and training videos out there.

Here is a vary good one.

YouTube - Collapsible Baton Tactics
I carry a cane most of the time because of a recurring problem. Coincidentally, my cane bears a strong resemblence to the 34" riot baton I trained with in the Phillipines, except for a club-like head for better grip and support. Oh, unlike the Asp, the cane goes on the plane with me.
Prepare for a caning!

I carry a cane most of the time because of a recurring problem. Coincidentally, my cane bears a strong resemblence to the 34" riot baton I trained with in the Phillipines, except for a club-like head for better grip and support. Oh, unlike the Asp, the cane goes on the plane with me.

If I remember correctly Cold Steel makes a heavy duty cane that is a very good weapon and at a very reasonable price. Take a look on thier web site for another self defense option. No license required.
I carry a cane most of the time because of a recurring problem. Coincidentally, my cane bears a strong resemblence to the 34" riot baton I trained with in the Phillipines, except for a club-like head for better grip and support. Oh, unlike the Asp, the cane goes on the plane with me.

If I remember correctly Cold Steel make a cane that is a very effective weapon at a very reasonable price. Check thier website for yet another option for practicle self defense. No license required.:sarcastic:
can you carry an asp in indiana? is there training. does you permit cover it, if so website link

Welcome to USA Carry, aspjiml.

As for the answer to your question, I'm not aware of any law that prohibits the carrying of collapsible batons. However, if you do decide to carry one, you should get trained in the use of it.
Asp ok?

Magisdttrate,I enjoy your posts as you are real andw ell-spoken. In Arizona, the police consider a civilian with a baton or using any item as a baton to be in possession of a deadly weapon. They feel only police should have batons. When I was a reserve, I carried a side handle baton and nothing was said. As soon as I got on the payroll, I was limited to a straight baton until six months later when the department got us trained in the side handle. I don't know what Washington's laws are, but I do know I cannot carry my sword cane in Washington, as the card is a Concealed Pistol License. Arizona has a concealed Weapon Permit that doesn't hav ethe word firearm anywhere on it, and my CCW instructor said the CCW permit covered the sword cane as I am disable and need a cane to walk. I would prefer to use a sword cane than a pistol, but I gotta play by Washington's rules.
Magisdttrate,I enjoy your posts as you are real andw ell-spoken. In Arizona, the police consider a civilian with a baton or using any item as a baton to be in possession of a deadly weapon. They feel only police should have batons. When I was a reserve, I carried a side handle baton and nothing was said. As soon as I got on the payroll, I was limited to a straight baton until six months later when the department got us trained in the side handle. I don't know what Washington's laws are, but I do know I cannot carry my sword cane in Washington, as the card is a Concealed Pistol License. Arizona has a concealed Weapon Permit that doesn't hav ethe word firearm anywhere on it, and my CCW instructor said the CCW permit covered the sword cane as I am disable and need a cane to walk. I would prefer to use a sword cane than a pistol, but I gotta play by Washington's rules.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't this item be open carried without a permit? Doesn't AZ allow any and all weapons that can be carried concealed with a permit (including long guns and NFA weapons) to be carried openly without one?

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