As a company owner, can I bypass CC by requiring my employee's to carry?


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I own a large-ish state wide property management company, we are always putting ourselves in dangerous areas of the cities, we specialize in maintaining high risk properties, those that are in areas with gangs and squatters, we have found so many squatters and drug houses, the other day I walked IN on a squatter and he jumped out the top floor window and took off. I want to be able to concealed carry, I feel I have a good reason as to why I need an unrestricted but can I bypass the hassle and the guess work by simply instituting a policy of required carry?

Most states have the right to carry at home and there "fixed" business. I would only be guessing if that would include these remote locations or not. With that said though, without a carry license the employee may be held to strict limitations for transporting the firearm while traveling. Getting a license would relieve many limitations.
Don't think that would work Backwell. You would be within your right to require a CC permit of your employees as a condition of employment. But it would be up to them to pass all the requirements to get the CC permit by state requirements unless you are in a state that allows open or concealed carry without a permit.
I own a large-ish state wide property management company, we are always putting ourselves in dangerous areas of the cities, we specialize in maintaining high risk properties, those that are in areas with gangs and squatters, we have found so many squatters and drug houses, the other day I walked IN on a squatter and he jumped out the top floor window and took off. I want to be able to concealed carry, I feel I have a good reason as to why I need an unrestricted but can I bypass the hassle and the guess work by simply instituting a policy of required carry?

NOT for New York State (Because your governor is a Communist!), but, here's the general national situation: If your business is located in any of the following states then — IF A PERSON IS NOT OTHERWISE BARRED FROM OWNING A GUN — yes that person can carry a handgun without a permit!

Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas 1., Idaho 1., Kansas, Maine 1., Mississippi 1., Missouri 2., Montana 1., New Hampshire 1., New Mexico 1., Puerto Rico 3., Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming 1..

1. Certain restrictions apply.
2. New law takes effect 01/01/17.
3. Presently subject to legal dispute.

Read this:
Old say Backwell. There is a lawyer tied to the end of every bullet. Old sayings get to be famous old sayings because the have proven over and over to be right. In most states id one of your employees fires a gun and hits a bystander they could not only sue the shooter/employee, but they could probably sue you and your company. Are you ready for that?

Maybe you should be talking to your lawyer and insurance carrier.
In every area I know in NY State, there is a provision for a work related carry permit. It is often easier to get than the personal CC permit so it may be an option. But your people will have to go through the permit process. You can make it even easier by having storage lockers for firearms and issued guns. But that creates other issues. CC in NY is rarely easy. This may help. If you are in NY City, it will stil be quite a process. But it can be done.

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