Armed at the Gun Shop


Could someone explain this to me:

There are about 6 gun shops in my area that I frequent (one more I could but the owners are a couple of putz' ). Each one of them has a LARGE sign at the front, even those with ranges, that you see before you enter, that say No Loaded Weapons Allowed On The Premises (or some very similar variant).

Now, gun shops should be a haven for second amendment rights. They should be a place where armed people are welcomed. If I have a CCP, or live in an open carry state, I would expect gun shop owners to support that right.

We have all heard, if just one law abiding citizen had been armed this disaster or that disaster could have been averted. It seems a bit, actually a lot, hypocritical.

I totally agree. None of the ones I frequent have prohibited carry. There was one about an hour away I went to that had such a sign. I went back with my wife about a year later looking for something special. They had removed the sign. There is another one in that same area that says all loaded firearms must remain holstered. I don't have a problem with that.
It sometimes boils down to insurance and district laws. I spoke to one owner that moved from the city limits into the county (originally because of lower rent) and the laws were a little more lenient. However he said his insurance requirements were no loaded weapons.
It is almost always a safety issue. There are a lot of people who are unaware of sight lines and the last thing an owner wants is an accidental shooting due to a loaded weapon being handled in his shop. Two of the large sporting goods stores here have the loaded gun must stay in the holster approach and the gun shops require the weapon to be unloaded.
The gun store from which I purchase most of my weapons briefly had one of those signs posted, but took it down not long after it was first posted. But, I agree with you; a no guns allowed sign in a gun store makes no sense to me.
There are some shop's in My area too, but now that You mention it, I don't remember seeing Any signs not allowing loaded (OR Similiar) weapons inside their store/s. I'll have to check on that and get back atcha! S&WM&P40, can You chime in on this; is it a NH thing OR do You have signs on your end of the state?
Mudpuppy, WELCOME to the Forum......incase I didn't welcome You earlier.
Hey Sambo, good to see you again. bryarush welcome to the forums ( little late seeing as how this is your 7th post) but better late then never. I have about five around me i really have only been to like 3 of them as i like them better then the rest. At one of them closer to me ( about 15 mins) there is a sign on the door that reads ( cant remember it word for word) All guns must be unload or in a case/holster. Now what this sign is for and means is for guns you are bringing in to sell. I have talked with the owners before and they said as long as it's in a holster it's fine. All the other ones have no such sign one being a Class 3 dealer (or NFA dealer). I will call them all today in a few mins to check and post here. As this seems like a good topic to keep running. So we can post gun stores that you can carry your CC weapon loaded on it in the store. Just post the store name,state and any other information you want other people to know.
I don't think they really care if you're carrying concealed. A lot of people visiting gun stores don't know much about guns and especially gun safety. Some of them are bringing their guns in to find a holster that fits or get an accessory for it or to get it worked on. A sign saying that guns should be unloaded makes a lot of sense from a safety standpoint. I'll bet if you ask any gun store owner, they'll say they don't mind if you are carrying concealed.
I don't think they really care if you're carrying concealed. A lot of people visiting gun stores don't know much about guns and especially gun safety. Some of them are bringing their guns in to find a holster that fits or get an accessory for it or to get it worked on. A sign saying that guns should be unloaded makes a lot of sense from a safety standpoint. I'll bet if you ask any gun store owner, they'll say they don't mind if you are carrying concealed.
You are correct on that. I've seen a few signs around here and they are for people bringing in firearms for trade or repair.

One question bryarush. Are the signs they have in the window a legal sign according to your state laws? The ones I've seen around here are not legal. If they are not then I'd carry and not worry about it.
IDK if they meet the legal requirement, I'd have to check. Generally, I avoid places that prohibit CC whether or not their sign meets the requirement. I have asked a couple of them, and it was "policy" is the best answer I got. I'm only really close to one of these dealers and I ignore the sign and keep my pistol in my purse. Most often I'm there browsing for long periods with the boys, and I even let them keep my purse behind the counter so I don't have to lug it around. :biggrin:

I think its a bit absurd that they do it, regardless of specifically why. :biggrin: Partic if they are doing to discourage potentially careless individuals, as I'm not sure they should have a gun to begin with. Oi!
I bought several firearms from "Franklin's of Athens" several years ago. I pointed the sign out to them and the guy behind the counter laughed. He stated it was there to meet insurance requirements. I was advised that if I kept my guns concealed and holsterd, there would be no problems in their store. If I wanted to check the fit of my gun in a holster, etc, I would have to bring my gun into the store "cased and unloaded". From what the guy told me, they had some problems at other gun shops where there were NDs' when customers attempted to fit a loaded gun into a holseter.

IDK if they meet the legal requirement, I'd have to check. Generally, I avoid places that prohibit CC whether or not their sign meets the requirement. I have asked a couple of them, and it was "policy" is the best answer I got. I'm only really close to one of these dealers and I ignore the sign and keep my pistol in my purse. Most often I'm there browsing for long periods with the boys, and I even let them keep my purse behind the counter so I don't have to lug it around. :biggrin:

I think its a bit absurd that they do it, regardless of specifically why. :biggrin: Partic if they are doing to discourage potentially careless individuals, as I'm not sure they should have a gun to begin with. Oi!

This discussion came up on a different forum a few months back. In most cases, we found the owners were only refering to firearms being returned, brought in for repair, or for use on their ranges. The signs were not intended to affect CC. Two of the stores we got answers from were BassPro and Cabela's. There was another large chain sporting goods place that responded, but we don't have one near here, and I can't remember the name.
I don't think they really care if you're carrying concealed. A lot of people visiting gun stores don't know much about guns and especially gun safety. Some of them are bringing their guns in to find a holster that fits or get an accessory for it or to get it worked on. A sign saying that guns should be unloaded makes a lot of sense from a safety standpoint. I'll bet if you ask any gun store owner, they'll say they don't mind if you are carrying concealed.

I'm pretty sure that, being the experts they are, they'll check for themselves to see if the weapons are loaded before doing any work on them.
Gun stores get their fair share of half-wits and mall ninjas coming in; those people are unfortunately a danger to everyone in their path. Stores put up the signs for insurance purposes, but also to discourage idiots from doing anything stupid on the property.
FYI, In Texas unless there is a pursuant 30.06 sign (Link Removed) then there is no leagality to a plain no loaded weapons sign. I have not yet been to a range or gun shop that has a legal sign. I have seen the Texas legal sign at the local gun show (which makes no sense BTW) :confused:but what are you going to do. I am not telling anyone to break the law, but if your weapon is properly concealed then what is the problem?
Gun stores get their fair share of half-wits and mall ninjas coming in; those people are unfortunately a danger to everyone in their path. Stores put up the signs for insurance purposes, but also to discourage idiots from doing anything stupid on the property.

Believe me...there are plenty of idiots out there.
Knowing how insurance companies work, i'm sure a lot of companies require the sign If the store owner didn't have it up the ins. company might avoid paying a claim or liability suit. I understand the safety issue to but I think most gun shops around here are cool about it. Especially if you cc. Most will never know you got one on you. It is weird though that some shops won't allow it though. I agree it should be a safe haven for gun carrier's and owners. If i had a shop it would be welcomed.
Our local Cabeleas requires all guns to be unloaded and carried to the gun counter by an employee. On the other hand, I happen to know that if it's concealed they'll have no problem with it (basically if the other customers can't tell you have it, they don't care). They really are only concerned with their other customers in the store being uncomfortable with open carry. I work partime there at night in receiving, I'm unable to carry as an employee even with my permit though. It's the only store I make a point to not carry in, simply because of my employment.

The Sportsman's Warehouse in town has a similar rule, as well as a large independant, Black Sheep. I carry in both concealed and don't worry about it. None of the smaller shops seem to post it at all, but this is a very gun friendly area to begin with.

I only pocket carry with my LCP, so I don't print. That way I never worry about my shirt hiking up and anything showing. Others may not worry about that but I like the confidence no one knows it's there. The smaller caliber is a tradeoff for me for this purpose.
The shop where I bought my latest pistol has a sign on the front door saying "No loaded guns allowed!" And I'm really not sure exactly what that means. I can see the safety aspect, but if you are carrying, then it makes no sense. If I am carrying concealed, I wouldn't say anything, anyway. But I wouldn't patronize that place if they specifically told me I was not welcome with my concealed weapon.

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