Arizona: Restaurant Carry Bill Needs Your Support Today!


Staff member
Thanks to all your phone calls and emails the Arizona legislature passed two very important bills, Senate Bill 1168, "The Parking Lot Bill," and Senate Bill 1243, "The Defensive Display Bill.” Both bills passed final votes and are on the way to Governor Jan Brewer's (R) for her consideration, but the session is not over yet. Senate Bill 1113, "The Restaurant Carry Bill," MUST pass today or it could be lost in the rush to end of the 2009 legislative session.

Senate Bill 1113, introduced by State Senator Jack Harper (R-4), would allow concealed carry permit holders to take concealed handguns into restaurants that serve alcohol, provided they are not consuming.

It is critical that you call your State Legislators and respectfully urge them to make sure SB1113 is voted on in the House and the Senate TODAY! Click the following links to contact your Link Removed and Link Removed. To help identify your legislators please click here.

Also, please call and email Governor Jan Brewer and politely ask her to sign SB1168 and SB1243 as soon as they reach her desk. Governor Brewer has always been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and was a featured speaker at the 2009 NRA Annual Meeting in Phoenix this past May, but she still needs to hear from you to encourage her to sign these important measures. Click here to contact Governor Brewer.

Please Contact Your Legislators Immediately!

Here is an update on this;

House approves allowing guns in bars
by Associated Press (June 30th, 2009 @ 5:12pm)
PHOENIX - The Arizona House has approved a bill to allow people with concealed weapons permits to carry a gun into a business that serves alcohol.

The measure has pitted powerful groups representing gun and bar owners against each other.

It would require bar and restaurant owners who want to ban weapons to post a sign next to their liquor license. Drinking while carrying a weapon would be illegal.

Opponents have said that mixing guns and alcohol could cause violence, but supporters argue that people should be able to protect themselves at businesses that serve alcohol.

The House approved the measure 40-19. It now goes back to the Senate, which has already approved a more-restrictive version that would have required a bar to serve food in order to allow guns.
This is a good piece of legislation. Far too many states don't allow law abiding citizens (mine, Indiana, isn't one of them, thank God) to protect themselves in establishments that serve alcohol. All this does is create yet another victim disarmament zone in which people can't protect themselves from those who couldn't care less what the law says. Maybe more states will now follow suit.
I know the legislature and Gov are busy working OT trying to sort out the state's budget, but has anyone heard how soon/likely Gov. Brewer may be signing these recently approved bills?
Govenor Brewer did sign into law Senate Bills 1113, 1168, and 1243, as well as 1437 and 1449. This was posted on the NRA-ILA website on July 14, 2009. Attached is a link to the announcement that has an explanation of the bills.

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