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Mitch Rosen ARG
Today I wore my new Mitch Rosen ARG "Express" as I went about my daily chores.
It's an Inside The Waistband Holster with an off-set Belt Loop. This allows the gun to "shift" for comfort when you are sitting. The ARG (Ayoob Rear Guard/American Rear Guard) has an extreme rake that helps in concealing a big gun. I was carrying a 5" 1911 today, and I'm not a big guy, just used to wearing big guns.
I went with the "Express" Holster instead of a Galco or similar mass produced holster, and I find the quality to be a bunch better. The Holster stays open upon drawing the pistol which makes reholstering easy.
Because of the cant my gun was very well concealed. I was wearing a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt, with an un-tucked Hawaiian Shirt as a cover garment. Of course I also was using a Belt that could support the weight of the gun and Holster, a Bruce Gibson Gunbelt.
I love the concealability of the gun, and the extreme cant. I didn't like the fact that the gun would shift. If I was to order from Mitch's non-"Express" line I would order the ARG DL. My Matt Del Fatti will be an ISP-4, which has the double loops and more than "normal" cant.
Besides the lack of a double loop and the sight track, which I'll discuss later, my only other issue is that while this Holster sets the gun "fairly" low in the waistband for an "average" sized person, it sets the butt pretty high for me, as I'm short torsoed. That's why there are custom makers like Matt Del Fatti to deal with this and other issues.
Bear in mind, this is a Holster that I'm using to "get me by" for one particular gun until I get my Custom from Matt Del Fatti. For the money spent I think I did better than if I had bought an "off the shelf" Galco, Bianchi or Safariland. The boning on this Holster is less than Mitch's custom work, but is on par with a lot of handmade Holsters out there currently.
The quality of the leather is equal to my Sparks Summer Special II, of which I own two of. It is very stiff and well finished. The Sight Track is not as good as the Sparks or my Del Fatti, but the Holster cost considerably less, or I didn't have to wait very long for it. It was twenty days from date of order to my PO Box.
I've never had a Bianchi, Safariland or Don Hume Holster not leave a "gob" of leather on my Front Sight after drawing. My Custom Holsters don't leave the "gob" and this one leaves less than most.
This is my second "Express" Holster and I don't hesitate to recommend them for someone not willing to wait for a true work of art. Your options with the "Express Line" are severly limited. I got to choose Black or Cuban Brown for my color. I chose the Cuban Brown since my Duty Gear is Balck.
Now those of you that want a PIC, go to Mr. Rosen's website and you can see his "Express Line" as well as his other Holsters, as I am not very smart about how to post pictures on the Internet.
Today I wore my new Mitch Rosen ARG "Express" as I went about my daily chores.
It's an Inside The Waistband Holster with an off-set Belt Loop. This allows the gun to "shift" for comfort when you are sitting. The ARG (Ayoob Rear Guard/American Rear Guard) has an extreme rake that helps in concealing a big gun. I was carrying a 5" 1911 today, and I'm not a big guy, just used to wearing big guns.
I went with the "Express" Holster instead of a Galco or similar mass produced holster, and I find the quality to be a bunch better. The Holster stays open upon drawing the pistol which makes reholstering easy.
Because of the cant my gun was very well concealed. I was wearing a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt, with an un-tucked Hawaiian Shirt as a cover garment. Of course I also was using a Belt that could support the weight of the gun and Holster, a Bruce Gibson Gunbelt.
I love the concealability of the gun, and the extreme cant. I didn't like the fact that the gun would shift. If I was to order from Mitch's non-"Express" line I would order the ARG DL. My Matt Del Fatti will be an ISP-4, which has the double loops and more than "normal" cant.
Besides the lack of a double loop and the sight track, which I'll discuss later, my only other issue is that while this Holster sets the gun "fairly" low in the waistband for an "average" sized person, it sets the butt pretty high for me, as I'm short torsoed. That's why there are custom makers like Matt Del Fatti to deal with this and other issues.
Bear in mind, this is a Holster that I'm using to "get me by" for one particular gun until I get my Custom from Matt Del Fatti. For the money spent I think I did better than if I had bought an "off the shelf" Galco, Bianchi or Safariland. The boning on this Holster is less than Mitch's custom work, but is on par with a lot of handmade Holsters out there currently.
The quality of the leather is equal to my Sparks Summer Special II, of which I own two of. It is very stiff and well finished. The Sight Track is not as good as the Sparks or my Del Fatti, but the Holster cost considerably less, or I didn't have to wait very long for it. It was twenty days from date of order to my PO Box.
I've never had a Bianchi, Safariland or Don Hume Holster not leave a "gob" of leather on my Front Sight after drawing. My Custom Holsters don't leave the "gob" and this one leaves less than most.
This is my second "Express" Holster and I don't hesitate to recommend them for someone not willing to wait for a true work of art. Your options with the "Express Line" are severly limited. I got to choose Black or Cuban Brown for my color. I chose the Cuban Brown since my Duty Gear is Balck.
Now those of you that want a PIC, go to Mr. Rosen's website and you can see his "Express Line" as well as his other Holsters, as I am not very smart about how to post pictures on the Internet.