Are you on a watchlist?


New member
I have long thought that my name has been on some sort of government watchlist, given my outspoken views on gun rights, the Constitution, etc. Never did mind; can't prevent it and I've done nothing illegal.

It is my assumption that "someone" is perusing these websites and has taken steps to identify posters (or at least some of them).

However, lately have thought "Wait a minute!" Why have I just shrugged this off? This is very serious. I mean, the gov't keeping tabs on private citizens? This is not good.

Anybody else as paranoid as I am?
I have long thought that my name has been on some sort of government watchlist, given my outspoken views on gun rights, the Constitution, etc. Never did mind; can't prevent it and I've done nothing illegal.

It is my assumption that "someone" is perusing these websites and has taken steps to identify posters (or at least some of them).

However, lately have thought "Wait a minute!" Why have I just shrugged this off? This is very serious. I mean, the gov't keeping tabs on private citizens? This is not good.

Anybody else as paranoid as I am?

JJFlash you're just paranoid. I mean we have a constitutional right to free speech and the government would never step on any of our constitutional right!

..........Oh wait.... Crap, I need to go delete some posts........
No, Your not a little noid for nutten'. I have felt that way for a couple years. What bothers me is, could the Ft. Hood massache been prevented? I am pretty sure Comcast captures everything we do. I think If there was a reason, then we would be monitored closer as well as our previous habits studied.
Why would I be on a list? Just because I am a Christian? Because I am a patriot? Because I am very, very conservative? Because I believe that we all have the God given right to be armed in order to protect ourselves? Because I believe the part in the Declaration of Independence that says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". Because I am against the takeover of our government by fascist traitors who's vision for America is a one world government? Because I refuse to be politically correct just because big brother or some liberal, left wing group thinks I should be? I mean come on. Why would I ever be on a list?:no:
Watch list???

Hey what about that cute little document that DHS put out a few months back?

I am a Veteran with numerous trips to the middle east under my belt befor I retired.

I am a GOD FEARING Christian.

I oppose abortion.

I support the constitution.

I am middle-aged, bald and armed.

I am a card carrying member of the NRA.

I support the constitution.

I like the Gadsen Flag.

I believ Israel has every right to exist and take the lands God gave to them and support them on biblically sound principles.

If I am not on somebodies short list I will be very surprised!
No, Your not a little noid for nutten'. I have felt that way for a couple years. What bothers me is, could the Ft. Hood massache been prevented? I am pretty sure Comcast captures everything we do. I think If there was a reason, then we would be monitored closer as well as our previous habits studied.

Ric, Comcast can't monitor anything.. They can capture it , but who is going to use the data.. When I lived in Mi. I had them. It woul'd take a week to get them out for a problem.
is there any way to find out if your on a list?

That's kinda what I was getting at. If we think we are, I'd like to find out and maybe raise some hell. But, alas...they sure as hell ain't gonna tell us here in Iran...uh...Russia...I mean, America. America! Are you kidding me?!!
I have long thought that my name has been on some sort of government watchlist, given my outspoken views on gun rights, the Constitution, etc. Never did mind; can't prevent it and I've done nothing illegal.

It is my assumption that "someone" is perusing these websites and has taken steps to identify posters (or at least some of them).

However, lately have thought "Wait a minute!" Why have I just shrugged this off? This is very serious. I mean, the gov't keeping tabs on private citizens? This is not good.

Anybody else as paranoid as I am?

Just because you're paraniod doesn't mean that they are NOT still out to get you! Anyone posting on any conservative, pro-gun, pro-Constitution, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-life or libertarian site is probably in the government's cross-hairs. Remember what Napolitano said! I'm probably on their Top 10 list, as I belong to, and post on, NRA, USA Carry, XD Talk, Florida Concealed Carry, Oath Keepers, GOA, USCCA, and a bunch of others. I was in D.C. on 9/12 with 1.7 million of my friends, and I'm sure they took my picture.

All I can say is, bring it on! :angry:
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Sure, to find out if you're on a list submit an FOA request. That will get you on one if you're not already. LOL

Yeah...realize that. Just curious to see, that's all. It's all probably moot, anyway, and at some point, we're gonna have to stand up and be counted.
Actually I think anyone who posts anything against the current administration is on a watch list of some sort. So I guess I am also. But, at least, I didn't crash one of his parties.
Actually I think anyone who posts anything against the current administration is on a watch list of some sort. So I guess I am also. But, at least, I didn't crash one of his parties.
Send a strong opinion to your state reps. If they agree your ok. If not, that should get you on a list.
We are not big enough fish to worry about. They want the loud voice that is in the public eye. That is not to say they are not watching. How would you like to have the job of watching a forum like this. Dang would that be boring, besides he would probably come over to our side once he received an education on what is going on around him and how close he is to losing his rights too.
We are not big enough fish to worry about. They want the loud voice that is in the public eye. That is not to say they are not watching. How would you like to have the job of watching a forum like this. Dang would that be boring, besides he would probably come over to our side once he received an education on what is going on around him and how close he is to losing his rights too.

The thing to remember is that a person doesn't have to be the one watching. Set up a snoop program with target words and let the computer do the watching. All you have to do then is look at the occasional log and determine if it deserves more in depth investigation. Many countries already have similar setups and some have national firewalls to block certain types of information.
I know that I am on at least one watch list as the FBI has already contacted me and I cooperated with them fully so maybe that calmed them down a little. There isn't anything I can do about it but accept it and move on. Just like death and taxes, watch lists are a certainty.:pleasantry:

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