Are you buying?


New member
We're all aware that over the last couple of years firearms and ammo prices have been steadily rising. Mostly this has been due to economic factors and notably the sky rocketing prices for metals.
However, with the results of the election, we now have a new factor, fear. Fear of what our new president and a democratic controled congress might do to our gun rights.
Several friends have mentioned that they will no longer put off that future planned firearm purchase and do it now while they still can. Others are running out and purchasing sport utility rifles or handguns before they get banned. Still others are stocking up on ammo and reloading supplies.
In the past two weeks I've been to two gun shows. Only one week apart, however the election fell during that week. The difference was striking. Prices for firearms and ammo have taken quite a jump in that short time. Most notably I realized that the prices on AR type rifles had gone up as much as $200 since the election.
The news is reporting brisk sales at gun shops since last Tuesday. On some of the other gun forums there are reports of shops selling completely out of military style rifles. Semi-auto handguns are going fast too.
Its odd, but we seem to doing the antis job for them. The next administration strikes fear into gun owners. Gun owners in turn start panic buying. Panic buying drives up prices. Before long we're going to price ourselves out of our hobby.
But then, do we really have a choice? Dare we wait to see what's going to happen when by then it may already be too late?
In my own case, I had a bit of cash stashed away in hopes of adding a nice old collectable to my safe. However, after seeing what's happening, I've decided the money would be better spent stocking up on powder, primers and bullets before the prices get out of reach. Guns I've got, ammo prices are rising fast.

How about you? Are you buying?
I have a small stock of ammo, and will purchase amounts adequate for my trips to the range. I also need to replenish my reloading supplies, but am not planning any end-of-the-world type purchases.

As funds come available, I'll by more firearms, but I'm not skipping any bills to get one before the Dem-heavy government does something I won't like. My real reason is because I want to own one of each. Now THAT will be Celebrating Diversity.
Frankly, we're looking at at least a year before some big gun grab scheme could be instituted. Gun prices and ammo prices I expect will go down in the next few months and then climb again if gun bans are proposed.
It's unlikely they're going to do anything for a while. In the meantime, everyone get your overpriced lowers...that means when demand is totally saturated after a while, they'll be really cheap for me! :yes4:

Several things have to happen first. To begin with, Obama has to actually get inaugurated, and that's not until January. They also need to get a comfortable hold on Congress and reduce the influence of NRA lobbyists. That's why we need to support the gun lobby more than ever, and let NRA know that they need to have some backbone, and not compromise again!

They'd probably also prefer to get a workable majority in SCOTUS; otherwise, passing AWB II would be no good, as someone would immediately fight it all the way, and it would probably fall in our favor. Obama wouldn't want that. I wouldn't put it past him and his goons to spring this on us ASAP. Realistically though, it might be a second term kind of thing, because it's not going to be popular and it's an issue that will galvanize conservatives against him.

Obama needs a few "wins" under his belt - examples of success that he can use to show that he's not totally incompetent - before he goes after anything that's going to draw thousands of protesters into the streets.
Can't really afford any more guns right now. However, I'm definitely interested in learning to handload.
Just bought 2nd AR, looking for 3rd. Have many of the small AR parts necessary for field fixes. Have all the long range bolt rifles. Have all types of hand guns from Bolt XP and Strikers, pistols, revolvers, all the way down to a sw642.

Reloading components are adequate. However should get 20 more #s of powder and 5000+ .224 bullets plus 5000 more small rifle primers. 30 cal and 7mm components are golden.

I will buy before 09. The easiest place for the Communist administration to hurt the firearms industry is ammo.
I did buy a new AR rifle the week before the election. The day of the election I ordered 200 rounds of ammo for it. i would like to have more ammo and a few more 30 round magazines. I figure the magazines will be the first thing they try to ban.

I need to get some 223 reloading dies. Surely they won't ban reloading supplies.

Tattedupboy there really isn't very much to reloading. It is scary at first, but it is quite simple. If you have not already read it I posted a brief description of the steps on the reloading/ammo page. Last year the Lee Anniversary kit was not unreasonably priced ( I haven't checked this year) and it has almost everything you need except the individual dies.
I have more than enough firearms but if I see something I like I'll add it to my collection. Right now I'm stocking up on ammo that I'm low on. I just bought a large reloading setup from an estate and in the process adding it to my setup. It had a few presses, a large quantity of powder, bullets, brass, primers and loaded ammo. Also a large quantity of factory ammo. i first passed it up but after the election I decided I had better grab it before someone else did.
I have more than enough firearms but if I see something I like I'll add it to my collection. Right now I'm stocking up on ammo that I'm low on. I just bought a large reloading setup from an estate and in the process adding it to my setup. It had a few presses, a large quantity of powder, bullets, brass, primers and loaded ammo. Also a large quantity of factory ammo. i first passed it up but after the election I decided I had better grab it before someone else did.

More than enough firearms??! No such thing!!
The news is reporting brisk sales at gun shops since last Tuesday. On some of the other gun forums there are reports of shops selling completely out of military style rifles. Semi-auto handguns are going fast too.

Its odd, but we seem to doing the antis job for them. The next administration strikes fear into gun owners. Gun owners in turn start panic buying. Panic buying drives up prices. Before long we're going to price ourselves out of our hobby.
For more than a year guns sales have been increasing because of fear that Obama might win. Actually, firearms sales have gone up 8-10% even before the election took place. Do you call that panic buying too?

You say that the panic buying is hurting us. I beg to disagree. Look at how the two scenarios could play out.

I. If the government does not add new regulations making purchases harder -
1. People will have purchased their firearms sooner than they would have otherwise.
2. Large amounts of spending and savings were switched from other industries to the gun industry - thus boosting their profits. Do you think there is any industry that could better use that boost in profits than the gun industry? For myself, I'd rather that my local FFL pack away some solid savings for the uncertainty of the gun market ahead, than that Sony sell another laptop. ;)

On the other hand...

II. If the government does regulate or tax firearm sales -
1. When the new legislation is put forward, there will be another panic of buying, and for good reason. If the early buyers hadn't already given gun shops record profits, what kind of supply would be waiting for all this new demand? (Increased demand stimulates increased supply.) Plus all those other people who you thought should not be panic buying early, well now they would be panic buying at the same time everyone else is!
2. When the new regulations take effect, most of the unpurchased guns will now be out of reach for many people who could have purchased them sooner. Either the guns are illegal, or the new tax will mean that the dollars spent on firearms now goes, not to put guns into the hands of pro-gunners, but rather to fund the Democrats' new government sponsored anti-2a campaign.

Does that make sense? It’s simple supply and demand economics.
I ordered an AR15 complete lower from Anvil Arms a few weeks before the election. Just got it and it's nice.

I sold my XD40 to a friend and bought the XDM40.

I just won a Sig 556 on Gunbroker.

I'm looking for a 6.8 SPC upper now.

My brother just bought his first AR.

Now it's time for ammo, reloading supplies and emergency food stockpiles.
I just bought a new Marlin XL7 .30-06 last night. not because of fear but because that is what I wanted for hunting. I am stocking up as much asI can on ammo.. but that is not out of fear (yet) either.. just something I have been doing steadily since I got into guns.
I am buying! Just bought a new M4 A2 6.8mm. Assault rifles are going fast, most dealers are out of stock and people are on waiting lists. AR's are going up in price. I saw one particular rifle I have had my eye on go up in price by $250 overnight! AK prices don't seem to have been affected yet but I'm sure there will be increases on them too. Handguns are still plentiful and sales are definately up as are the number of people applying for permits.
Question re: my new 380

I just picked up another 380, now I have one for each hand. Any suggestion on how to make the spring less tight? Or, does it need just to be warmed up at the range?:unsure:
The spring resistance usually doesn't start to degrade until after a few thousand rounds. You might check with the manufacturers website, they may have a lighter replacement spring. I wouldn't go to lite though or you will have a problem with jamming.
I'm not too worried about anything being too loose as I can barely slide the slide to chamber a round now. So, I'll look into what you said, thank you very much for your response.