Are you at risk when you go to the range?

Well, folks. I didn't intend to cast negatives at ranges with RSO's, indoor ranges, or anyone's backyard range. I would have thought that obvious, but granted I didn't specify. I'm on the board of a 400 member gun club that occupies 350 acres with a 1/4 mile buffer around the entire property. We have grounds-keepers that live on the property, and access is controlled. We don't have murder, or robbery issues either. Some shooting areas are NOT so fortunate, and they CAN BE risky places to shoot.

The horse died, and I'm finished beatin' on it. Have a nice day.
Here in the Charleston SC area we have an outdoor range in the Francis Marion National Forest. Went once, looked around, realized that I was in the middle of nowhere in the forest, and even with other people there that I was just a sitting duck waiting to be robbed or killed or both. Never went back. Situational Awareness folks---that is what it is all about. I trust my instincts and this was an easy one for me. Not sure if there have ever been any killings at the range but there have been funny goings on at times in the forest---that is enough for me to stick to my indoor range, which is A/C in summer and heated in winter.

I haven't been to this range since July... I felt comfortable there at first b/c my group was the only one there. When another group showed up, we left.
Same with me in Vermont. The gun range is a fifty mile round trip and located way out in the boonies. No RSO, no officials of any kind on location. There is a grounds keeper, that's it!
There is also camping, hiking, archery and fishing hole at this location. Basically, it freakin huge.
I also always carry at least two guns. One to shoot with and one concealed for protection.
This range is very loosely run. I have seen beer and other crazy crap at the firing line!
I have wasted my time in the past by driving all the way there only to see some very questionable activity or behavior going on. I don't even get out of my car, I just turn around and head home. Better safe than sorry.
The thing that sucks is there is no way to know what you'll find until you get there.
I am in the process of looking for an alternative range. The potential for accidents is just too high were I am now.
My local range had a suicide not too long ago. I haven't been back since. There was other factors also but the suicide was the last straw.

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