I found this toy ridiculous...They actually swapped out the toy gun for a toy camera!
Go On a Safari Photo Shoot In The Safety Of Your Own Home
Go On a Safari Photo Shoot In The Safety Of Your Own Home

I may...if it includes my little single engine airplane, cost and modifications and maintenance each year...I usually hire lenses for special assignments to be delivered to site but I do have good gears....snipped...Just curious, how many own more $$$ worth of cameras & gear than guns & gear?
because I have a job???I think probably none of us shoot as much as we would like to... RIGHT???
Not necessarily...my husband is on fixed income now and since becoming interested in guns, I take pride in paying for my own guns. Some ammos came from my kids and husband because of a special occasion, e.g., birthdays, mother day, and Christmas Day...All of you who are married have the spouse working two jobs to buy ammo for your guns, right? LOL
OregonVet, the whole point is they took a HUNTING game and made it PC by changing to a camera and adding PHOTO to the title. Purely a political move, and hilarious because it is so obvious.
If you don't like hunting... fine don't hunt. That is a real shame because Oregon has some good hunting. I personally enjoy hunting and my kids are chomping at the bit to go with Dad. We hunt. We eat anything we kill, and my kids get some "organic, free-range, low carbon footprint" lean meat.
I have never met a hunter that tried to force someone to hunt, but I can't say the same about non-hunters trying to stop hunting.
As to Photo gear my wife is a homemaker, but is a self taught photographer and has about $3k in cameras/lenses.
I shoot with a camera now, that makes me PC now huh? THAT is hilarious!! LOL ROFLMAO.
It costs lots more to "hunt" with a camera than with a "gun", and I don't think it has anything to do with being "PC".
I'm PC because I don't run around killing things?..., not even pop cans... ammo, THANKS to what's his name, is just so dang EXPENSIVE any more.
Oh, wait... they would only take the guns away from the law abiding citizens. Criminals would still have theirs. I guess we all have to become criminals.
I think probably none of us shoot as much as we would like to... RIGHT???
All of you reload to save $$$, right?
I shoot with a camera now, that makes me PC now huh? THAT is hilarious!! LOL ROFLMAO.
It costs lots more to "hunt" with a camera than with a "gun", and I don't think it has anything to do with being "PC".
You know, it's real funny to those of us from several generations ago. I clearly have fond memories of being outside and playing soldier or cops & robbers with my friends, brandishing toy guns. I don't remember any of us having issues with the law or violence years later. None of got into fights all the time as children as best as I can remember. Yes, I'm a shooter and own several guns, aside from being a dealer now, but I don't consider myself a violent person by any stretch of the imagination. My three twenty-something sons all own guns and are pretty good shooters, but they are very non violent, especially my youngest who has the largest arsenal of all of us.
One big difference between then and now is that we played outside. I believe that this might be one of the big problems with the recent and current generations, not whether or not they play with guns. Too much time to be programmed by computer.
...I don't understand why you say it would cost more to "hunt" with a camera than with a "gun".
When I was born over 60 years ago it was "kill", whether to kill the steer, cut and wrap him and haul him to the local "lockers" where we had a bin with a padlock on it and that was where lots of the local people rented a locker (bin) to hold their frozen food. We still had one in 1966 even though Mom & Dad had purchased a chest type freezer at Western Auto in 1957, which is still keeping food cold 53 years later. I think they quit renting a bin while I was off enjoying the Vietnam war, or kill the coyote who was trying to get into the chicken coop, or killing them when "their" time to die came around. Always kill. More than once we had to kill a deer to have meat for the table while I was growing up. Just reading you saying "harvest" is the FIRST time in my life I have heard "harvest" used that way.I taught a hunter safety class for several years. What we teach students is that hunters do not "kill" anything, but rather "harvest" game. Farmers don't go out and "kill" shrimp that go to market, they "harvest". In SD with a firearm, we don't "kill", we "stop the threat". As for you being or not being PC because you don't hunt, I say it wouldn't matter either way. Last time I checked that this is still America, and as long as we aren't prohibited by law for whatever reason (like criminal convictions, etc.), we're still free to choose weather(sic) we hunt or not.
I think it is going to take a big stick along side the head to be able to get a lot of people on the same page about that. I just wish it had been written different. Something like:The sad part is that we could stop this from happening. It will take cooperation of all who wish to keep our 2A rights, and we must all be willing to put in the effort to stop this. There's no reason why the government should be taking away our 2A rights.
That's great! I'll bet you enjoy that. One of life's pleasures; "harvest" those targets! LOLI can't speak for anyone else, but I can say that I feel that I get enough range time. I'd shoot a lot more if I could, but I feel that my current monthly training routine is adequate.
From reading gun magazines, there are a lot of people who do that along with you. Nothing wrong with doing that.I don't reload to save money. All of my reloads are my rifle rounds that are loaded for specific purposes. Each rifle has a list of special cartridges that would have a certain type of powder which is designed for a number of factors that would include type of game, distance being shot, type weather, etc. gf
I'm an amateur photographer and I don't hunt either. What makes it "PC" is that they took a game that is CLEARLY a hunting game and made it a camera game (How many cameras have a reticle that looks like a scope? How many animals have you made keel over with your camera?)
IMO, this is like taking the game "Doom" and making it a "take pictures of scary monsters" game.
I've been to the "program page" and don't seem to see what you see in the photo. Would you pull it into your edit program and circle and put arrows to what you see? I hate it when I can't see what others "see". I don't see any animals that fall over, it appears they are on a track and pulled along with a string and each time the light hits it, you gain points.
Would you please post a marked up photo showing what you see? Thanks!
I too am just an amateur photographer and have only invested about $25,000 in photo gear over the years. I have cheap equipment these days and a body, a lens, tripod, remote release etc only cost about $4,000 or so. Even my little P&S camera only cost $250. Geez, the Arca-Swiss ball head for the tripod cost $400.00 and the cheap tripod was only a couple hundred dollars. A person can do okay with a few L lenses and a decent body to stick them on. Should be able to take a nice selection of shots with a few lenses. The 16-35L for landscape for $1,600.00 and a 70-200L 2.8 IS for about that price too is a nice lens. Used at 70-110mm it makes a nice portrait lens. The $5,000-$12,000 lenses are way out of my price range, that is for sure! B&H had a 1,200mm L lens a while back that was for sale for $120,000.00. Twice what I paid for my house! LOL
I have thousands of $$ worth of film camera gear, will someone give me a few hundred for it? LOL It is at a "friends" house. He thought he might want it, for what, I don't know. Yep, we live and learn.
Really? You can show me a photo of that same game only with a gun and not a camera? I would be interested in seeing that.