AR 15 Question


New member
I have an opportunity to pick up an AR 15 at a great price but need some words of wisdom from the AR-15 crowd. It is marked


MOD J-15

Any input would be appreciated.
here is a good thread I found from someone else asking the same question.

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I beleive they are correct that E.A. is Essential Arms. I had looked at them when I started building mine. I heard from a few people that they are decent lowers. They had seen better but never had any issues with theres.

Did this person build it? what kind of upper receiver, bolt carrier group, barrel is on it?
Went ahead and bought the AR this morning. No markings on the upper. I took it to the gun shop to see if they knew what it was, no They said the barrel was a bushmaster, bolt was military, lower was E.A. It came with 4, 30 round clips and 3, 20 round clips. A BSA red dot scope and 250 rounds of 223. If nothing else I can use it as a builder. I will try to put some pictures up to see if someone can tell me about the upper.
Sounds like a home made. What about the lower receiver? Its the only thing trackable.

Just noticed it was listed. 36 hour shifts starting to get to me.
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Congrats on the purchase! It does sound like a home build one but that doesn't mean it'll give you problems. Bushmaster is a good barrel thats what I have on mine. Upper receiver is probably a DPMS if I had to guess and they are fine. The E.A. lower is a low cost lower but my friends works fine for him. I'd shoot it till I wore something out or it breaks and replace it with what you want. Let us know how it shots and if you have any questions fell free to private message me. Once again congrats you'll have fun with it.
Home build...'s easy, yeah right!!!
Last week I purchased a couple of POF lower recievers and a couple of kits from Model-1 Sales. The uppers in the kits are all factory assembled; the lowers, not so much. I made my first attempt in inserting all of those thousands of tiny springs and pins last night. (actually there's only 33 springs and pins that one has to install into the lower). But who would know that for some reason they have to be put in place in a certain order. Anyway, I'm taking a trip today at lunch time to SOG armory to see if they can undo a little mistake.
Guess what? Some of those tiny pins fit in either way, buy only one way actually works...
Later - Sam's easy, yeah right!!!
Last week I purchased a couple of POF lower recievers and a couple of kits from Model-1 Sales. The uppers in the kits are all factory assembled; the lowers, not so much. I made my first attempt in inserting all of those thousands of tiny springs and pins last night. (actually there's only 33 springs and pins that one has to install into the lower). But who would know that for some reason they have to be put in place in a certain order. Anyway, I'm taking a trip today at lunch time to SOG armory to see if they can undo a little mistake.
Guess what? Some of those tiny pins fit in either way, buy only one way actually works...
Later - Sam

Sorry to hear you ran into issues. There is a great step by step guide, with pics, on I may be able to help you work out the problems. Whats not fitting right?
I can help also if you need it. I've built several hundred when I had my Gun Shop. Right now I have seven or eight that I built and I'm getting ready to build another. The last one I built was a first generation AR15. No frills no extras just lots of fun shooting.
My main problem is that I set the pivot pin detent spring in and set the pivot pin detent in backwards. It pushed in with just the pressure of my thumb, but I think the pin itself is upside down and forced the spring to spread out. Now I can't remove either. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated...
thanx - Sam
Spray it with some oil first. You need a small pin punch that will fit the hole in the end of the Take down pin (pivot) It may take a little force to get it to move so use a small hammer and tap it down. Once the detent is down rotate the Take down Pin and remove.
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