Applied for my CO CCW permit


I applied for my permit on Monday and they told me it could be 16-20 weeks. I don't know if I can take the
waiting, but I guess I don't have much choice. Hope time flies.

Semper Fi
Wow elkhunt--that sucks. I thought that state law was that it had to be within 90 days.
What county are you in? They must be getting slammed with people wanting permits. I've heard some of the counties are having a hard time keeping up.
A buddy of mine in Weld Co said they will only take a certain number of applications per week so they don't get to far behind.
I'm in Arapahoe Co and I have to renew mine next year. I'll probably call them 6 months in advance to find out the best way to proceed.
CO law says they have 90 days if the background check is not done at that time they have to issue anyway. What county are you in??
I'm in Mesa County, Grand Junction to be more specific. I wasn' aware of a 90 day rule. That would be pretty nice if it was only 10-12 weeks instead of 16-20. Where did you see the 90 day rule in the law?
30 Days!

My Nevada CCW came in today after 30 days (Las Vegas)! :dance3:
Waiting on my Utah permit and will be putting in my Florida very soon!
I got my CCW back in march in El Paso county in Colorado. They told me 10 weeks and i think it arrived after like 9.5. When i went to the sheriffs office for the finger printing and paperwork they told me they've had CCW appointments scheduled every 15 minutes, 8am-5pm, monday through friday, since early december.
My Nevada CCW came in today after 30 days (Las Vegas)! :dance3:
Waiting on my Utah permit and will be putting in my Florida very soon!

Why would you want a Florida permit? Is it just because you took a CCW course that gave you paper work for both Florida and Utah? Don't send in the Florida paperwork! It doesn't gain you anything that you won't have with Nevada and Utah Permits. Check with the RESOURCES tab on this site and look at the Permit Reciprocity Maps. Also, Florida is running months behind on issuing permits because the Florida legislature appropriated (read stole) the funding for processing CCW permits (however that's a story in itself). Anyway...don't do it! Save yourself the $117.00. You'll be glad that you didn't do it. I have Arizona and Utah permits and I took the Utah/Florida course and never sent Florida in because it wouldn't gain me anything.
Florida cwp processing

Called the state of Florida today to check on my aplication for a CWP. After a loooong wait on the phone, finaly spoke to someone. He advised me that they are really backed up. He did acknowledge that I was put into the computer on March 30th 2009, also said they were working on Feb.9th 2009 applications. I mentioned that I had read where they were hring people to help process the apps.
He said they are training people and have computers all over the place including the breakroom. According to him the ones being processed now are over the 90 day limit. Gues we just have to be patient. :angry:
Why would you want a Florida permit? Is it just because you took a CCW course that gave you paper work for both Florida and Utah? Don't send in the Florida paperwork! It doesn't gain you anything that you won't have with Nevada and Utah Permits. Check with the RESOURCES tab on this site and look at the Permit Reciprocity Maps. Also, Florida is running months behind on issuing permits because the Florida legislature appropriated (read stole) the funding for processing CCW permits (however that's a story in itself). Anyway...don't do it! Save yourself the $117.00. You'll be glad that you didn't do it. I have Arizona and Utah permits and I took the Utah/Florida course and never sent Florida in because it wouldn't gain me anything.

I did take a course that offered all 3 CCW's. My only thought was that I could get more "coverage". I will take your advice and check the resources on this. I could use the savings for a box of ammo! Thanks!

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