Anyone looking forward to the RED DAWN remake?


New member
It looks like it's coming together nicely, but from what I've heard it sounds like the movie script has it's liberal spin, pretty much blaming the US for the invasion.

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Enjoyed the original... I hadn't heard that they were going to do a remake! Doesn't surprise me that the "hollyweirdos" would put some kind of liberal spin on it.
It looks like it's coming together nicely, but from what I've heard it sounds like the movie script has it's liberal spin, pretty much blaming the US for the invasion.

Link Removed dawn remake...really?

i could have done without reading this post
I'm not sure....I saw a thing a while back on IMDB about Atlas Shrugged is being made into a movie.........

......starring Robert Redford.

I'm not too enthusiastic about anything Hollywood is putting out these days.
Besides, the only improvement 25 years can make on the original would be special effects. Anything beyond that would be a poor attempt at a good remake.
:biggrin: Remake... Yup, It's a fact and shooting has been around Pontiac and Detroit, Michigan.
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Need a few pictures?
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:biggrin: The Grand Son was downtown Pontiac when the crew was shooting, He watched them blow up a car...
1st movie was a great cult film, and with all the talk of Obama and bringing our country toward Socialism and taking away our guns and such, I'm not surprised in the timing of the remake.. But.. The Soviets?? Really??
Chinese maybe.. Muslim extreamist maybe..
I guess this is a economic bailout for Detroit though, and the movie probably saved a ton in not having to make buildings look bombed out!!! Have you ever been to Detroit?? Not as bad a East NY, but pretty bad..
... Chinese maybe.. Muslim extreamist maybe..
I guess this is a economic bailout for Detroit though, and the movie probably saved a ton in not having to make buildings look bombed out!!! Have you ever been to Detroit?? Not as bad a East NY, but pretty bad..

They are using the Chinese thang... While some of the location scouts were looking around in Detroit, They had their car broken into and a laptop was stolen. Go figure......
They are using the Chinese thang... While some of the location scouts were looking around in Detroit, They had their car broken into and a laptop was stolen. Go figure......

If truth be told, it would be the blue helmets used in part II.:hang3:
Red Dawn remake already happened on January 20, 2009 when the Commies took over the White House.
Anyway, remakes are never as good as the original. High Noon and Stagecoach are two good examples. Even color film does not always a better movie make.
Sounds like crap. I love the Original Red-dawn own it and watch it every week or so it seems. A remake would just bring shame to such a great film and the actors who made it. Whats the point of remaking it other then for the green reason? Just like with all the new James Bond movies the new ones are all crap when they replaced Pierce Brosnan the films went down hill. I don't know about the rest of you but for me one of the best parts of watching James Bond was to see all the crazy and cool new gadgets Q had come up with for James. The new movies have none of that it's all action just like any other movie a lot of the remakes are killing the classics.
I guess we will have to wait and see for sure if it is a good movie or a flop. I too tend to agree that a vast majority of remakes are not as good as the original. We went to see the remake of The Day The Earth Stood still. As far as I am concerned it was not worth the money we paid to see it and no way near as good as the 1950's classic.
I guess we will have to wait and see for sure if it is a good movie or a flop. I to tend to agree that a vast majority of remakes are not as good as the original. We went to see the remake of The Day The Earth Stood still. As far as I am concerned it was not worth the money we paid to see it and no way near as good as the 1950's classic.

I totally agree. The original was so much better and so much scarier. Of course I was just a pup at the time the original came out. Maybe that is why I was so scared.
So far I'm excited to see it when comes out :) it's going to be a lot different than the original. From what I've heard we will see American & British aircraft carriers being attack in Iraq & there's also Liberal traitors that work with the Chinese.


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There's also 3 US Marine characters in the movie as well.
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the picture above looks like Obama's Civilian Security:wacko:

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