Anyone know?

Another thread talked about "Would Jesus Carry"? I pose the question; Does the President of the United States carry? Realizing that he has the Secret Service to protect him and his family, you can never be too safe when it comes to personal protection.

Something to think about.

Don't know but if I were president I would.

I would have to agree, although depending on the situation if he had to defend himself or his company with him you would have to wonder how that might turn out in our court system.:secret:
I don't know about the President carrying, but it reminds me of Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca) who is an avid gun-control advocate.

She carries, because - and I'll paraphrase as it's an old quote from an old interview - "I want to be able to protect myself," yet she's one of those who would strip US of OUR right to defend ourselves of that same ability... kinda like Rosie O'Donnell and her bodyguard. No one should have guns but her bodyguard...

Makes me wonder how they can see it from one perspective, but not from another.... hmmm.

A real President would be packin' some serious heat tho, like Teddy Rosevelt or Ronnie Reagan.
Depends on the President. If I was President, I would be in on the executive protection loop and direct Secret Service to operate under the assumption I am carrying and I would train and qualify with Secret Service so we would all be on the same page.

I do believe that the President and past Presidents should have a form LEOSA called the POSA (public officer safety act). Some States give special CCWs to active and retired judges and retired LEOs before the LEOSA became a reality. The same consideration should be given to others in various branches of the government. Past Presidents only get a decade of Secret Service protection after leaving office now.
It's unlikely that the President carries. USSS protection is awfully good, and unless TSRHTF the president's first duty is to preserve himself for the good of the country. He should be getting out of the way while agents protectively pile on top of/around him. There's also a chance that the Prez may be wired up with something or wearing some sort of exotic armor which a large metal firearm may interfere with.

With senators and lower-level people, it's a bit different. They just don't have the same type of heavy protection, and could potentially find themselves in a situation without a bodyguard nearby. There's also a better-than-average chance they could be targeted for assassination by someone who is particularly POed at them, or just nuts.

I'd carry, if for no other reason than to make a point of supporting RKBA. I'd also build an armory in the WH to store my stash. The Secret Service would be jealous.

Of course, if I had the resources to become president, I'm fairly sure I'd also have the $$ to own at least part of a manufacturer of quality firearms, and definitely an FFL retailer. One day... :happy:
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Technichally, if he is under 45, Under title 10, he is required to own and and be proficient as part of what the law calls the "unorganized militia"
Technichally, if he is under 45, Under title 10, he is required to own and and be proficient as part of what the law calls the "unorganized militia"

Age and sex restrictions have been outlawed. I guess that means that I have to own (and carry) by law.
I don't know if the current President carries, but I'll bet I can guess which ones definitely didn't.

George H.Bush - maybe
Reagan - probably
Clinton - not a chance
Ford - maybe
Nixon - maybe
JFK - maybe
Obama - not a chance. If he gets it his way, no one within 3000 miles of him will be able to either.
I don't know if the current President carries, but I'll bet I can guess which ones definitely didn't.

George H.Bush - maybe
Reagan - probably
Clinton - not a chance
Ford - maybe
Nixon - maybe
JFK - maybe
Obama - not a chance. If he gets it his way, no one within 3000 miles of him will be able to either.

I am not so sure about Clinton and Obama. Remember Hypocrites only want others to not carry. These elitists believe that they are above the sheeple. In their case what is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander.