Anyone Have The Hi Point 9mm Carbine??


New member
I've had mine for about a year now and really enjoy the accuarcy. Im seeing some aftermarket stocks and other items as well. Anyone change the stock yet?? Kind of makes it look like a Beretta Storm doesnt it??
I don't own any, but no matter what you do to them, those Hi Point carbines are some of the ugliest guns I've ever seen.
I don't own any, but no matter what you do to them, those Hi Point carbines are some of the ugliest guns I've ever seen.

Ha! Ha! Ha!.... A "Pretty" gun its not!!BUT....I guess as long as it throws that slug down range and on the mark I can forgive its uglyness, Hell!! Im no looker either!!:pleasantry:
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I've had mine for about a year now and really enjoy the accuarcy. Im seeing some aftermarket stocks and other items as well. Anyone change the stock yet?? Kind of makes it look like a Beretta Storm doesnt it??

My son and I built one up. They are awesome to shoot. :)
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Great looking build man!! I think I'll have to invest in the after market stock and the laser. Really sharp looking!!:victory:
I swapped to the ATI stock, too. I also added a 2x, 2.5MOA red dot.
That looks great as well!! I JUST GOTTA DO THE STOCK CHANGE!! I'll add the laser and maybe even a scope. Pictures when done!!
Why I LOVE the Hi Points......

I love the fact that these FUGLY guns are accurate, sturdy, and really CHEAP! Not that I've done this, but I believe it was Fetus that posted a SHTF bucket build. I think that a bucket with a carbine, pistol in matching caliber, and a "mess o' ammo" in a SHTF bucket is a great idea. Hi Points are perfect for that kind of thing. Hey Landor, how long is that carbine with the ATI stock and the compensator?
That is great information for sure!! I have ordered my new replacement stock and the project begins!:victory:
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I did have a problem with empty magazines not ejecting. Turned out to be an alignment issue between the action and the mag well in the new stock. Loosening the screws and retightening everything fixed it.
Me Too!...Now I'll have to get one of those butt-ugly C9s to go along with it!! LoLs...Ugliest pistol I ever did see...Hope it's a good shooter!!:biggrin:

I own a C9, and I agree with you that it's an ugly little thing. Moreover, I have problems with the magazine staying in the gun. At first I thought it was because the magazine release button stuck out so far and would keep pressing against the body of the holster, so I filed it down. Well, it still kept happening, and I still can't figure out why. Oh well, at least it makes a good paperweight now.
Oh, I Forgot to mention that the ATI stock is heavier than the factory stock, resulting in lower felt recoil. I think my AR-7 has almost as much kick, LOL.
I got my ATI ordered and looking for it sometime this coming week. I'll take a couple of photos as I complete the "transformation" LoLs...I thought it hand a very mild recoil anyway!!...I guess it will feel like a .22 now!! Gotta love NO recover time between shots!!:victory:
You should see my nine year old shoot this thing. You would think he is a sniper. This gun is dead on at 100 yards no problem.
You should see my nine year old shoot this thing. You would think he is a sniper. This gun is dead on at 100 yards no problem.

Yep!!...That’s for sure!! It’s well worth putting a few dollars into. I could see this one as a very good "do-all" survival gun as well!. Light weight, compact and lots more punch than a .22 mag round. It could be used to harvest small game as well without all the shot from a shot gun shell. With the light recoil it can be used by a anyone who can line up the sites, even if they are "gun shy" they will find this one a pleasant experience as you nine year old son has. Head shots would be very easy. Just my 2 cents worth!:pleasantry::pleasantry:
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I got one at a show for 70 bucks from a private party sale at a gunshow in town.. about 3 or 4 years ago.

Had a broken stock.. so I Called HiPoint, gave them the serial number and they shipped me the stock FREE.

My wife loves it so its hers now.. her home defense gun.. me I like the KelTec Sub 2000 for a 9mm carbine myself.. but that Hi Point is a good accurate shooter.

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