I don't own any, but no matter what you do to them, those Hi Point carbines are some of the ugliest guns I've ever seen.
I've had mine for about a year now and really enjoy the accuarcy. Im seeing some aftermarket stocks and other items as well. Anyone change the stock yet?? Kind of makes it look like a Beretta Storm doesnt it??
My son and I built one up. They are awesome to shoot.
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That's a little bit better. I could go for that one.
Me Too!...Now I'll have to get one of those butt-ugly C9s to go along with it!! LoLs...Ugliest pistol I ever did see...Hope it's a good shooter!!:biggrin:
You should see my nine year old shoot this thing. You would think he is a sniper. This gun is dead on at 100 yards no problem.