Anyone Else Have A Problem With Local Gun Ranges.....

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Not allowing you to bring in your own ammo?? It seems that for "Insurance" reasons as Im being told we are not permitted to bring in outside ammo in Palm Beach County!! Ive gone up north to Marion county and had no problem at all with this!! Anyone else??:butcher:
The one I go to doesn't allow handloads, although, curiously enough, they don't check the ammo you bring in. That's a moot point for me, because I have never shot handloads (yet). I don't know what the penalty is for anyone caught shooting handloads, though.
I've only noticed my range makes you buy ammo from them when renting one of their guns but that makes sense.
Here in Tampa, it seems to depend on the individual range rules:

Shooting Sports (indoor range) checks the ammo to make sure it is not reloads (can't even use factory reloads like Georgia Arms Canned Heat), but other than that only real limit is on unjacketed lead--not including .22's).

Dade City Rod and Gun (outdoor range) doesn't care one way or another.
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All the ranges within driving distance of me allow any ammo, bought onsite, bought elsewhere, and even reloads.
Here in Fort Worth, Texas I have never heard of any doing that. I have known of some that prohibit certain types. One will not let you use Wolf and will not allow any steel bullets.
If you think that's bad, consider the range here in PRHI that purchases bulk quantities of ammo from The Sports Authority, then puts their marked up price tag right over the Sports Authority price tag, then places the ammo on their shelves for sale. I could go into The Sports Authority and purchase a box from them with identical lot numbers and take it to the said range and they wouldn't allow me to use it. I would have to purchase the marked up box of ammo (approx. 80% mark up). The owner says it's because of "insurance liability purposes".

One guy went so far as to challenge his reasoning (he's an insurance broker buddy of mine) and offered to find him a more "gun friendly" insurance carrier with much lower rates. The store owner literally told him to "f-off". :nono:

Needless to say, I don't go to that store/range unless it's absolutely necessary.

Right on the nail head Glock Fan!! Its the old "Don't piss on my shoes and expect me to beleive its raining!" I now have to go way out of the way just to practice when I want to. I can understand checking ammo that is brought in for FMJ but thats it!:shout:
The other indoor range on the island used to prohibit reloads. Once they realized that lots of folks bring in reloads that are put back into factory boxes, they changed the policy. Shooters now sign a waiver stating that they won't hold the range liable if they're injured by their ammo or results of shooting "unsafe" ammo. There's virtually no restriction on the type of ammo that can be fired on the range. Only exception is shot shells, due to the shreading of targets and potential fire hazard. Basically any round "legal" here in PRHI is OK to be fired on that range. Normal citizens are prohibited from the "good stuff" like "steel core", "armor piercing", "incindiary", "tracer", etc. type of ammo.

I don't like how a lot of ranges I've been to (I do a lot of shooting when I travel) pull this "we require you to purchase our ammo because of insurance purposes" crap. I can understand some ranges requiring "clean range" or "frangible" type of ammo due to the limits of their range (possible weak back stop, poor ventilation, etc), but giiving a poor excuse like "insurance purposes" just doesn't do it for me. I called BS at one range in VA and after a short but colorful discussion with the range master, I was able to shoot the frangible ammunition I had purchased from another range. My basic argument was that they had the exact same brand, packaging, etc. How were they going to tell that I brought in my own stuff. What sealed the deal was that the lot number was the same on my box of ammo. He couldn't believe the sticker price of the ammo (was almost $3 less than their price). I didn't have the heart to tell him that the other range had much higher range fees. :secret:

Good luck in finding a decent place to shoot. As members of the shootig community, we need to send a message to the firearms businesses that we're not gonna take their crap. They will either have to play ball with us or expect for us to take our business elsewhere.

Not allowing you to bring in your own ammo?? It seems that for "Insurance" reasons as Im being told we are not permitted to bring in outside ammo in Palm Beach County!! Ive gone up north to Marion county and had no problem at all with this!! Anyone else??:butcher:

Wouldn't surprise me...then again, it could just be another ploy to get you to buy your ammo there. Ours has a "notice" at every station to support your local gun range by buying your ammo from them, rather than Walmart.
The range where I qualify requires that lead free ammo be used. Other than that, none of the ranges I've been to in Kalifornia have required me to use their ammo unless I was using one of their guns.
I realize that I may be ruffling a few feathers here, but if I were a range owner, I wouldn't allow reloads. As range owner/operator, I have no way of knowing whether the person reloading their own rounds knows what they're doing, and I don't want anyone getting hurt at my range with reloaded ammo.
Tatted, you better not allow them to have firearms at your range either. To paraphrase you, "As range owner/operator, I have no way of knowing whether the person shooting knows what they're doing, and I don't want anyone getting hurt at my range."

There was a range owner near here that tried telling people they couldn't use WWB. According to him, it voids manufacturer warranties. Wonder why he nolonger owns/operates that range?
While we are on the "range" subject, can I get some names of any In door OR Out door ranges in the Daytona (beach) area. I'll be out there near the end of Feb. and while the Wifey is out at Mickey Mouse World with one of the Rugrats, I would MAYBE like to go shoot with my Son IF it is in the itinerary for that week.
Palm Bea county ranges

Not allowing you to bring in your own ammo?? It seems that for "Insurance" reasons as Im being told we are not permitted to bring in outside ammo in Palm Beach County!! Ive gone up north to Marion county and had no problem at all with this!! Anyone else??:butcher:

I use to use P.B.C indoor pistol ranges. I am boycotting them for not allowing me to use my own ammo. I shoot in Martin county were it is no problem. The only reason they are requiring the use of there ammo is so they can mark it up. The insurance excuse is b.s. I think they are going to open a new range at 20 mile bend next to the P.B C Sheriff range for civilians. With it being an outdoor range run by the county they should not have the same price gouging policy. By the way I do not mean that I use reloads when I said my own ammo. Stay safe.