Anyone carry a Ruger LCP?


I'm considering a Ruger LCP for my every day ccw. Most of the reviews I've read have been positive. Anyone have experience with this model? I'd like to weigh the pros and cons.
Thin ice

You're treading on thin ice carrying anything less than a 38+P. And even that is not the best choice.Remember you want to kill the Bast..., not make him madder.
The .380 round has Link Removed over the years but in America we have the bigger is always better crowd. Oh well......

I've carried my LCP for over a year now. It's got a snappy recoil due to it's low weight but it's manageable. It disappears in my pocket so I never have to worry about printing or dressing around my weapon. Not sure what else you want to know, it always goes bang at the range and I've never had a misfire, but I only put a few hundred rounds through it a year as it's not a target pistol.
You're treading on thin ice carrying anything less than a 38+P. And even that is not the best choice.Remember you want to kill the Bast..., not make him madder.

Unfortunately, not all situations warrant carrying a larger frame .45 ACP. The .380 is a trade off between higher stopping power and size.

You want to shoot to stop the threat, not "kill the Bast..."

The LCP is an acceptable firearm in my opinion. The recoil is ok, but after all it is not a target gun. When I cannot carry a larger pistol I turn to the LCP or the Magnum Research Micro Desert Eagle.

The LCP is much lighter than the MDE and has a slide release where the MDE does not have a slide release so changing a magazine in mid firefight requires racking the slide.
Thanks all, for your insight. In my situation it's a matter of what I can carry on an every day basis at work, where I have to be extremely careful of concealment. On the weekends I carry an FEG P9R, but that's too bulky for the office. I have a Makarov in .380 that is easier to conceal, but too heavy for pocket carry. So, not wanting to have to purchase too many different calibers of ammo, I'm only looking at 9MM and .380.
I do prefer the stopping power of a larger round (I would love to carry a .45 at all times) but merging affordability, reliability, concealment and stopping power in a pair of dress pants gets to be difficult!

I appreciate your wisdom.
I have an LCP with the CT laser and a pocket holster from the guru ( that I carry sometimes. I have a Kel-Tec P-3AT (which is virtually the same gun) and a guru holster for it that I have carried for five years now and am most pleased. I carry right front pocket, mostly in shorts (S FL) and never worry about printing or weight.

The .380 round is quite sufficient for self-defense and self-defense is point and shoot, not target or tactical. Unless you are a cop, I suggest that you not think you are going to be "behind cover" in some gun fight somewhere because if you are the odds are that in the eyes of the law you will have become the threat rather than trying to stop it and that indeed IS our only mission.

The big gun = big man, kill the bast attitude should be reserved for cheap bar talk ... which is where I hear it all the time!
the thing that bothered me about the LCP is the trigger; the grip is very small and the trigger very long. I have medium-sized hands and I still found the small grip and trigger combo hard to manage. I think if you have large hands this would be even harder. Have you shot one yet? If not, you should before you buy.

Small frame revolvers conceal well. You should consider an LCR or a S&W airweight in 38 or 357. While I don't think bigger is always better, I wouldn't feel confident with a .380 pistol.
I think it's important to keep in mind that the objective is to stop the immediate threat from the aggressor and not the person a block away also. It doesn't take a 45 to stop, or even eliminate, a person at 7 yrds with a decently placed shot. Large caliber runs a significant risk of collateral damage by exiting the intended target and striking another. I think most will agree that a 380 with JHP ammo is plenty lethal and will stop any threat. Besides, you have more than one round!
LCP has been my carry piece for almost a year. I have a early (370-44xxx) that went through recall. 400 rounds through her & not one problem. I now have an ArmaLaser installed. This is not a target weapon, it is a point & shoot. @ 7 meters, with an accurate shot (that's why the ArmaLaser) I feel .380 ball will give enough penetration to pierce the arota or inpinge the spinal column, even through clothing.

It's not my HD weapon, and certainly NOT what I carry in the back counrty (against a four-legged threat), but otherwise she's usually with my.
I agree that .380 JHP should be sufficient most of the time. As was said, you have more than one round. I use JHP in my Makarov .380, mostly because I am concerned with collateral damage should a FMJ go through the BG. I've read some studies that say it is a concern for .380 and 9mm FMJ rounds, though not as much for larger calibers like .40 and .45.
Bottom line is I'd rather have a .380 in my pocket than a larger caliber that I can't keep with me.
But we've probably strayed into territory that's been discussed in numerous other threads. My main question was the reliability of the Ruger LCP, and from what I've read from you all and the links you've provided, it sounds like it is worth the price and will do the job.
Thanks again for the replies!
I have thought about getting one for a mouse gun/bug. I have a Beretta Tom Cat that I use sometimes for that but the 380 would be a little better than the 32.
The LCP is a great daily carry gun..not as much fun on the range, but that's not its purpose. After a couple hundred rounds, I've had nary problem with her, feeds and ejects smoothly. The size and caliber are acceptable compromises given its intended use. :pleasantry:

I bought one a few months ago. Be sure to get one made after the recall. It is a fine gun, not too expensive, and is fine for back up or carried when you just can't conceal anything else. It is so light that I carry it in my ankle holster all day and never even know it's there. Fired about 100 rounds so far. Not one jam and accurate under 25 feet. I do recommend this gun but not sure about primary carry. A bit too small for my taste.
Great BUG or car gun

When I am in the car my LCP is in the sunglass holder above mirror. Other than that, it is my BUG in the back pocket. The LCP is a belly gun ,7 to 10 ft with HP will do damage. With in that distance I can put all rounds in a 4" group, Thats 6 holes x 95 gr. = 570 gr of lead. That will mess you up. Two to the chest one to the head, I don't care what CAL. it is, YOUR STOPPED!
I agree that .380 JHP should be sufficient most of the time. As was said, you have more than one round. I use JHP in my Makarov .380, mostly because I am concerned with collateral damage should a FMJ go through the BG. I've read some studies that say it is a concern for .380 and 9mm FMJ rounds, though not as much for larger calibers like .40 and .45.
Bottom line is I'd rather have a .380 in my pocket than a larger caliber that I can't keep with me.
But we've probably strayed into territory that's been discussed in numerous other threads. My main question was the reliability of the Ruger LCP, and from what I've read from you all and the links you've provided, it sounds like it is worth the price and will do the job.
Thanks again for the replies!

Many ballistics tests and some 'real life' evidence shows that a FMJ .380 (95gr., 950 fps +/-) will NOT over penetrate AND that a JHP may actually UNDERpenetrate - especially with heavy clothing. But imho, you are spot on with your comment "Bottom line is I'd rather have a .380 in my pocket than a larger caliber that I can't keep with me." That is exactly why I carry an LCP... I can be dressed in a T-shirt and shorts and still carry.

Let me add this. The only issue I have ever had w/ my LCP is if you "ride the slide" (from the hold open position) there was a tendenancy for the slide not to fully go back into battery. Some Brian Enos "Slide Guide" applied sparingly to the cocking rail eliminated that problem.
I bought one a few months ago. Be sure to get one made after the recall.

Good point, either get a 'post recall' one or one that has goen through the recall modifications. There are now 3 series of LCP's 370-, 371- and 372-. If it's a 370-, make sure that there is a 'Diamond" stamped into the frame on the bottom of the hammer slot, as that is the mark that Ruger applied to indicate that the new fire control mechanism had been installed.
I will definitely take all of the recommendations made on this thread into consideration. Thanks everyone.
I have a lcp and while a great gun there are better for your application. I too where dress pants daily and need to that lump in my front pocket to go unoticed. I carry a S&W 642 or a kahr pm9. both disappear in my pocket easily and have a lil more power than the lcp.
This past weekend my local gun club held our monthly shooting match. It's an IDPA type. This match was for BUG's only. The stages were set with multi shoot and no-shoot targets. A few shots were at 15yards. I drew from my weakside back pocket. shot both weak and strong hand and was very pleased with how the LCP performed. I have alot more confidence in carrying this pocket gun. I can get this gun out of pocket quickly, shoot from retention, shoot multiple targets accurately and carry it everywere without detection.

I keep it loaded with Federal Hydra Shok. 380 isn't a rhino stopper, but 6 to the A zone will make a BG forget about hurting me or mine.

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