Any vets here?

I was 20 years in the Air Force. Three times in Nam. I was in Sac for about 7years, 3 years in ATC, 7 years overseas all far east. My last 3 at DM in Tuscon. Loved it all and hated it all. My daughter says she will never marry a military man. She did and he so far has been in 9 years in the Army.
I was in the Army National Guard from 1997-2002. Went in and got schooling for computers and wound up being an 88M, truck driver.
Infantry (and my legs still hurt!).

Ft. Benning, Ft. Carson, Mainz, Frankfurt. 1983-1989, "cold war."
4th ID, 8th ID, 7 years!
I was in the Army National Guard from 1997-2002. Went in and got schooling for computers and wound up being an 88M, truck driver.

No misunderstanding about how the Army does things there. I actually began my trek in service to our country, with the Army as an Officer candidate with many years of flying experience that began in the ninth grade. At the point that I was prepared to graduate, the Army was preparing to commision me as an Air Defense Artillery Officer!:eek:

I became a US Marine within months by declining my commission with the Army and became a Naval Aviator instead (CH-53's) with The Few, The Proud.
Army 1964 till retirement as an E8 in 1985.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), MOS 55D (now 89D)

"Initial Success or Total Failure"

Now here is a Vet for ya...

Found this on another off topic. I loved it so much I have made it part of my signature and just want to spread it around.

This is what America's Vet's do... click here>>> Link Removed
Like Most States, Texas Has It's Own Military Forces. These Forces Are The Army And Air National Guard And The State Guard. I Was A M.p. For 4 Years.
U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Active: 1966 to 1969
101st Airborne Div.
Ft. Campbell
Bein Hoa
Cu Chi
LZ Sally
Camp Eagle

Reservist: 1977 to 1986
102nd ARCOM

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