Any other Idahoans??

Welcome to all of you new folks. Jesse, shadow106, Ghost Rider, localgirl, havanagunner. Not that I'm any more older than any of you. Just got here a little earlier is all.

Extremely glad we have someone of the fairer sex with us. Always good to get a female perspective in regards to weapons and shooting. Helps those of us who have to deal with our wives and significant others.

Hope I don't offend anyone, I'm a little old fashioned in my speech (and written word as well). In any event, welcome everyone and hope we all have a good time exchanging ideas and learning from one another.

Thanks, Doc. Though I have to admit, I'm having second thoughts about posting. Had an issue the other day and posted hoping to get some support/advice, and mostly got a beat-down. Maybe gun-totin' manly men isn't the place for a delicate Idaho wildflower such as myself!
Localgirl - Sorry to hear about that. Luke has been doing a bangup job getting those who attack people shut down. Would be happy to try to assist in any way possible. What types of questions do you have?
I'm in Nampa and just found this site. I've got my permit but feel like I need to get some further training before I can carry.
Nampa. Murder-suicide yesterday right across the street from my house. The murder happened, but the suicide far. Guy is still alive in hospital.
Nampa. Murder-suicide yesterday right across the street from my house. The murder happened, but the suicide far. Guy is still alive in hospital.

Holy crap! 0_o This is Idaho, things like that aren't supposed to happen!
I am originally from Idaho, grew up in Parma; hunting, shooting, and fishing around Old Fort Boise on the Snake River. I live in Illinois now (don't ask), but I look forward to getting back west some time soon.

God bless Idaho, it is truly a great state.
I moved here from Arizona just about five years ago. I've been amazed at the level of violent crime in this area, considering the population density, and so much of it seems to be family oriented. Or perhaps that's just how it seems due to the media presentation. Still a great place to live, but I don't go places that are iffy unless it's necessary, and I always carry. Hard to break the habit of nearly 50 years.
This is idaho, anything is possible. If you only knew some of the things that have gone down. People are not as innocent and sheltered like they appear to be.