New member
Welcome to all of you new folks. Jesse, shadow106, Ghost Rider, localgirl, havanagunner. Not that I'm any more older than any of you. Just got here a little earlier is all.
Extremely glad we have someone of the fairer sex with us. Always good to get a female perspective in regards to weapons and shooting. Helps those of us who have to deal with our wives and significant others.
Hope I don't offend anyone, I'm a little old fashioned in my speech (and written word as well). In any event, welcome everyone and hope we all have a good time exchanging ideas and learning from one another.
Thanks, Doc. Though I have to admit, I'm having second thoughts about posting. Had an issue the other day and posted hoping to get some support/advice, and mostly got a beat-down. Maybe gun-totin' manly men isn't the place for a delicate Idaho wildflower such as myself!