Any Cyclist???


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Anyone here cycle? I mountain bike and am curious as to how I'm going to carry while on the bike. I think I'm going to keep it in my Cammelback Pack But I was wondering if there were other options out there?

cyclist carry

You might try a fanny pack - either one designed with an integral holster or (like me) one like the Mountain smith that I use for cycling. The draw is not as fast but you are biking after all.
Anyone here cycle? I mountain bike and am curious as to how I'm going to carry while on the bike. I think I'm going to keep it in my Cammelback Pack But I was wondering if there were other options out there?

I'm not a serious biker, so I don't have the tight shorts. I carry as I normally do, otherwise. I've got no suggestions for you if that's not the case. IWB in a pair of shorts works fine with me.
Lukem has a review of the concealment shirts here:

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Never had experience with them myself, but Luke says they're good. :D
Thinking about trying one out.
Thanks I usually wear an under Armor, but I'll look into shirt. I'm a bit worried about the firearm bouncing out of my galco summer comfort. There's no retention strap.
When I'm mountain biking, I carry my Ruger SP101 .357 mag in a strong side holster that's attached to the waist belt of my camelback. Works great.
Another option might be to look around for some kind of small bag to put on the bike...on those middle bars between your legs, for example, or even on the handlebars themselves. Ideally it wouldn't have a zipper but would have some sort of shrouded opening where you could get into and out of quickly.

If you anticipate a problem, this enables you to make a much more natural movement than reaching under your shirt. It would also be much closer if located somewhere on the handlebars.

This probably wouldn't be ideal if you make any stops before returning home though.

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